Like so many young women, Demi-Rae Wone SHOULD have been satisfied and content - she had a 'great job' and security - family and friends regularly commented about how 'happy' she 'should' be now that she had an enviable, secure professional career path. 
Yet something was missing. The work, the security, the potential future didn't LIGHT HER UP. Instead she felt empty and guilty because she SHOULD be grateful!

Learn how Demi went from struggling in a strictly regimented, tedious, boring city job which was financially limited to working from home, online (and even using her laptop from the beach!) as both an administrative manager for an all female global company of empowerment leaders and helping women  to break their generational patterns holding, which now gives her excitement, flexibility and limitless income potential.

  Learn more about the Female Specific Personal Development Program that Maz Schirmer created, that supersedes results achieved by other modern modalities in regards to the LONG-TERM, CYCLE-BREAKING outcomes for Women, by booking in a call with me at

More information about Creatrix® Transformology® is available at