It's safe to assume that many women who come into the world of Personal Development - Coaching - Therapy - Healing - do so because there are things that have happened in life that have inspired the growth and fuelled the passion to make a difference. This was the instance for Jenny.

Haunted by a betrayal, she struggled to trust - other people AND herself. Which made chasing her dreams a difficult task! It was this difficulty that lead her to Creatrix® Transformology® - a program that not only helped her to trust herself AND her dreams of helping others, but also helped her to navigate the challenges of almost 2 years in pandemic lock-down with a sense of peace and serenity.

The CREATRIX® Transformology Program for Coaches and Therapists to break women through deep blocks fast, painlessly and for good so they can get on with the life of their potential. We offer a whole business in a box solution for a therapy business helping women to be able to move forward beyond her past limitations.

 We are global and in search of women with a dynamic work ethic who wants to work on her own but not by herself as we have all of the support you'll ever need.