What leaders and brands can do in times of crisis to rebrand and reposition. The Pandemic has significantly impacted us; every aspect of life can feel it’s the bite, brands, individuals, and businesses alike. It is up to leaders, brands, and personal brands to reposition and rebrand to take advantage of the ongoing tides. “Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.” – Dale Carnegie, The truth is that things are just not going to revert to normal not anytime soon. Things have taken a whole new shift and form and until brands and individuals begin to realize and seek advantage of the situation regardless of its negative impact, brands will either fade away and be forgotten or be outwitted by brands who have taken advantage of the situation.       So there are few things I am going to share which will help leaders, brands, and organizations, take the “bull by the horn” and make the best out of the situation, we have found ourselves, as the adage goes… “make lemonades out of lemons”. I am going to share with you, what you must do as a market leader, as an industry leader, as a brand, and as a global industry in times of crises like this. What do you do? Are you changing your strategy or style? Here are THREE simple things you can do to reposition your brand in times of crisis. Now the very first thing brands need to do is: Simplify: Look at ways to SIMPLIFY the things you do already. In challenging times like this, you can’t afford to make things cumbersome, people will tune off. Find ways to make things simple for your audience to absorb. If it is tutorial lessons. Give your clients and customers simple steps that they can follow and get results. Provide them actionable tips, strategies, blog posts, articles, or if it’s a product you’ve been selling, make your marketing strategy sound simple as well as your messages. A minimalist approach to work; helps in your product processing and products so you can cut down the cost of unnecessary hype and excess. Simplify the process and simplify the strategy. Digital marketing to online business, simplify the process don’t compound or make it complicated. Aim at cost-cutting, efficiency, and effectiveness to be productive and profitable. So firstly think of what ways can I simplify my brand or my business. How can I simplify? Can I do virtually now so I can cut down double transportation because we are in lockdown periods or restricted movements? So I simplify the process; we are going to do it virtually, the conference is going to be virtual so that people will purchase so there will be a very limited process. if it needs to be delivered then the dispatch or delivery company does that. If not, every meeting can be done virtually which is good. You cut down transportation cost, other unnecessary overhead costs then you make a profit or you sell digital products. As an author, people are now very close to buying print books. So what other avenues are available. I will look at audiobooks, digital books, eBooks so that people can download and purchase than investing so much in print paperback editions. Having, ebooks and audiobooks will cut down your production cost easily and maximize your profit. A couple of months ago Antony Robbins put together a remarkable record-breaking evens. He took his regular ‘Unleash the power within’ event virtually – broadcasting it live. Over 20,000 participants globally connected from over 100 countries right from their homes. In the 4 days’ virtual event, he invested heavily in technology so that all these participants from over 100 countries could watch him live for 4 days being on screens performing and demonstrating these personal development skills to them. Look at what can be done via technology. He didn’t let the pandemic or the situation stop him, but he came out of the box to do something which is simplifying the process by being innovative and creative. In terms of simplicity think of innovation, how can technology enhance or help you to innovate your process? Tony Robbin’s work was amazing due to the fact that public speakers, industrial leaders can learn from that because of over 20,000 participants globally. His on-stage teaching, performing, and coaching virtually was awesome. He simplified the process with no transportation, no airline cost but he invested heavily in technology so that he could have this event. As a brand, think of ways you can simplify the process using technology so that it can’t be cut off. As the writer used the process to reposition in global space, know that the first process was Simplicity. Style: The second thing is STYLE. Style is critical as in your brand style. How are you positioning yourself in terms of visuals, creating videos? How can your audience adopt to your new style, what form will you present your product, your service, your brand think of creativity in all that simplicity needs to take place? So what is your style? Look at the icons you’re creating, fonts, typography the colors, simplify all these processes making more visually appealing. Your style needs to communicate your brand value, your brand image to make sure that people see that this is brand “A” and this is brand “B” and remember that now without differentiation, there is no brand. So your style is very relevant, how are you going to present the message now? Now Tony Robbins says I can’t do live I am going to do virtual live so he shifted the style a little bit. Is he going to interview people or going to engage his audience? what style is going to work for you, per your industry, it could be the same thing but you’re changing your style, you’re repositioning now for the audience adopt and get more gains from your product. And also part away monies […]