If you're feeling overwhelmed and lost in the weeds of your to-do list, this podcast episode is for you!

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Show Notes:

Why did you start your business? What was it that you were dreaming of back when you first got started? And we're thinking about the kind of change that your business could have have in the world. Okay. And how does your business today reflect the amount of change that you want to be having? Are you on the right page? And do you feel like you're making a massive difference in the world? Or are you like most people and feel like you are so overwhelmed with funnels and technology launches, audience building, and all the things that go into building a business that you don't have, the time that you really want to, to focus on changing the world and really bringing forth the transformation that you want to have, regardless of where you are.
[00:00:49] Today's episode is going to talk about. Why why you started your business and hopefully encourage you as you move forward and create a business that changes the world.
[00:01:02] Well, Hey friend. So this podcast is a little different than most of the ones I do in that I am out on a walk outside right now. And I decided to, just to hit record, because I have been trying to plan out this podcast episode all day long, and I keep procrast to working on all sorts of things that need to be done, like an email opt in which, by the way you want to get email updates about this podcast, you can go to bright entrepreneur podcast.com/email and sign up.
[00:02:06] And I will drop a nice little note in your email, but once or twice a week, when there's new episodes, That's a side note. Anyways, I just was really struggling because in this episode, like what's been really on my heart is like wanting to share my heart and I liked it. Come in with clear notes and be super succinct and have everything all laid out in front of me and speak to you from an outline because I'm kind of a wordy person sometimes.
[00:02:40] But I just was struggling and I think to write the outline and I think it's just easiest when speaking from the heart to just let myself speak. So that's what I'm doing here. You'll hear all sorts of sounds from the outside, from the highway, from the birds, from the woods, maybe even some water dripping down off the leaves because it was raining.
[00:03:05] But I came out to clear my head and thought I would just talk to you on my little walk, as I clear my head and share my heart with you. So I just got off a call, I don't know, a half an hour ago with my friend Richard, Richard Ralston. Hey Richard. I know you're listening cause you're like my biggest fan.
[00:03:22] And, um, if you guys don't know who he is, go check his website out. Richard ralston.com. He does accountability, pods or progress pods. He's amazing. Anyways, that's a side note, total plug just from a friend, but we had this really fantastic conversation. And one of the things that I really loved about our conversation that kind of stuck with me was, um, and it was just a tiny part, just a simple little tiny part was this whole no idea behind why we do what we do and what I really have been wanting to speak to is.
[00:04:03] Like to the people and maybe this is you, maybe it's not, but to entrepreneurs, to friends, to you, anybody okay. Who just feels so stuck in their to do list and who feels so overwhelmed and in the weeds with all of these things to do, and just really struggling to keep making a profit and keep making bigger numbers and not struggling as in, you're not doing it, but just like.
[00:04:30] Overwhelmed. You've got all this stuff in front of you to do, and you've lost sight of why you started your business in the first place. And. What kind of impact you wanted to have? I have on the world as people encountered your offer and got the transformation that your product brings them. Oh man, I wish you could smell it right now.
[00:04:55] Smells like heaven. Cause it rained. I just walked on this mossy road. Anyway side note. This is why I have an outline my friend, because otherwise I go on tangents like this and I notice every little detail in nature anyways. Um, there's so many people who've lost sight. Of what they started their business for.
[00:05:16] And maybe this is you. I mean, maybe you had big dreams and you wanted to make this massive impact in the world, but you've gotten so sucked in two funnels and technology and content creation and social media and all of the things. Yeah. And it just feels like day in and day out. You're constantly battling a, to do list that never ends focusing on making a profit and not spending as much time on the things you love working with your clients or your customers, and really bringing that impact into the world in a way that you know, that you can and.
[00:05:57] It just breaks my heart to know I've been there. I mean, I have been there. I have been so overwhelmed with all the things and it's so, so easy to feel like you just can't do anymore. And you can't add anything more to your life because it's overwhelming and then there's money stress on top of it possibly or not.
[00:06:19] And it's just, it's so hard and it's not what you thought it was. And you may even have had a good level of success. Like you may have a six figure business or multi six figure business and still be feeling like you're constantly on the go, that you can't step away. That you're still at this point, even focused on, you know, all the, to do's all the things that have to happen to keep the business running.
[00:06:47] And part of this conversation I had with Richard. Was going back to the why. And he was giving me some feedback on the bright future method, a workshop, which he was part of the beta course for that. And we started with this idea of the why and what your origin story is. And, um, he just, he just mentioned that he's like, I don't know how that connected to all the rest of that.
[00:07:13] And so I explained, I said, well, it really connects to everything because if we don't know our, why. If we don't remember that deeper purpose that we, I had in mind when we started our business, if we can't clearly explain the change that happens, that transformation that happens. To our people individually when they work with us, but also say if a hundred million people had that same transformation, how that would change the world and the culture and your industry, right?
[00:07:52] How would that make a massive change? And if we can't define those things, and if we can't verbalize those things, and if we don't think about those things, Then we tend to get sucked into the, to do's and we tend to feel overwhelmed and we forget why we're doing it. We may even give up on why we're doing it because it's just so much work.
[00:08:14] And it's so draining because we aren't getting filled by the thing that means the most to us. And so. Um, it was just helpful for him to say that to me, because then I helps me remember, as I'm teaching the workshop again, which I'm going to be doing on September 28th. I want to make sure that that message gets out there.
[00:08:36] That I explained more clearly that this is why we start there, but the whole purpose of that bright future method is to help transform people and their businesses from being so profit focused, which by the way, profit is a great thing. The more money we make more impact we can have Stu says that all the time, stick McLaren.
[00:08:55] And I fully agree with that fully aligned with that. But. Not, I don't want you to be so focused on making a profit that you forget about the impact and the transformation that you can actually have. And what most people don't realize is that what got you to where you are today, like doing it yourself and being resourceful and learning how to do all the things and implementing them and figuring out the funnels and.
[00:09:24] All of those things that are so important, like you needed to learn them, you needed to go through them, but you cannot continue doing them. By yourself into the future forever. Now, my course is not about building a team. That's one way you can start scaling and moving on and really growing both your profit and your impact.
[00:09:45] Um, my bright future method workshop is about how do you become the person you need to be in order to work more intentionally? Um, with more purpose and basically gently guide you from where you are now and the things you're doing now and refocus and reshift your energy into creating a business that has that impact that you were dreaming of when you first started your business, that has the ability to help you make a massive impact in the world without you having to do it all by yourself.
[00:10:23] And you can do this. Like I said, by growing a team, there are courses that go into that. James Wedmore does business by design. He teaches all of that stuff beautifully. I instead tend to focus more on how do you simplify everything you're doing in your business? How do you simplify the strategy? To get you there more easily, so you can clean up what you're doing and focus on the things that actually get results that actually make an impact on people and realign yourself and your actions and your business with your deeper purpose and that bigger impact so that you can take more focused action.
[00:11:05] Um, this week is a great example today. Today's Friday. Um, this will come, go live and like today, but I, I took Monday and Thursday completely off as well as the weekend. I only worked three days this week. My team is very minimal right now. It's basically me, a customer service person and a, um, a content repurposer that I work with for projects.
[00:11:32] So not even regularly, she works with me like once a month for a couple of things. So it's super basic. And yet, because I know exactly what I need to do because I know the messaging I want to bring into the world because I know what works and what doesn't and how to make sure that I'm designing my business.
[00:11:51] So intentionally that it's going to have that purpose. I don't, I don't need to be doing everything. I don't need, need a huge team to accomplish big things. Yes. I'm absolutely going to hire more people as this new business grows. Undoubtedly, but before yeah, you get to that point, it's better to become more efficient and more purposeful and really realign yourself with the reason you started your business with the results that you really want to get, not just money, but also impact.
[00:12:22] And you can have both. I absolutely believe that as you go deeper and deeper into. The reason you started your business and the big, deeper purpose that drives you. And as you consciously make that decision to use your business and leverage what you've created to build a movement around it and invite other people into that deeper purpose with you.
[00:12:46] You will grow your profits. You're going to grow your profits and your impact. And, Oh man, I wish you could just see it right now. It's beautiful. Like I'm walking down, it's an old road. The bridge is out. So it's, it's like a diff it's an old highway. That's overgrown now, but it's like filled with Moss on the road and these trees on each side and it's just magical.
[00:13:04] I'm such a sucker for Moss, but anyways, um, I know that you can do this. I know that by realigning your purpose, you can get there. So I do teach us in my bright future method workshop. I'm going to do some sort of launch. I haven't even planned that out yet. Starting on September 21st. And we're going to run the workshop live again for eight weeks, starting on the September 28th.
[00:13:30] So you know that that's coming up. Um, but not, you can't join it now. So. More than anything. I just wanted to speak to you from the heart and start getting you thinking about why did you start your business? What is it that really drives you? What is that deeper purpose behind everything? If you want help creating that plan, I can help you in a coaching day.
[00:13:54] I've got about four left between now and when I launch. And so if you'd like one of those four spots, you can check out the show notes and contact me and we can set that up. That's the fast track way to getting something super customized for you. You'll have your whole plan and entire day. Um, otherwise you can also start thinking about being a part of my future method workshop, and you can sign up for that soon.
[00:14:22] I don't even have the wait list done yet. So right now, if you're interested in that, I would recommend signing up for my email updates for the podcast, which you can sign up for at bright entrepreneurs, podcast.com. Slash email super easy. And I will put the link for that in the show notes as well. But regardless, even though both of those things can help you.
[00:14:46] Um, I just, I just want to give you a hug, give you a virtual hug as I'm walking down this road and back and forth and talking to you in the woods. And I just want you to know that what you're doing is amazing and what you've done is amazing. But it doesn't always have to be overwhelming. It doesn't always have to be 80 hour plus weeks.
[00:15:11] I legitimately talk to somebody just last night. Who's like, I counted up all my hours. I'm legitimately spending 80 hours a week working like that made my heart so sad for her. Because there's no reason you should have to do that. And I know you love your work. We all love our work. We wouldn't be doing this.
[00:15:29] We wouldn't be running our businesses if we didn't love it, but you can do this in a way that's sustainable, that has a greater impact. And that allows you, the freedom that you can get as an entrepreneur who has full control of your schedule, full freedom. To do it in a way that doesn't just rely on you and you can build a movement of customers around this deeper purpose who want to help you with this.
[00:16:00] When you're clear on your deeper purpose, they can get excited about your deeper purpose too, and start calling other people into it with you as well. And that's what I've done really. Really well, I want to help you build a movement of people, of crazy loyal customers around your business who can help.
[00:16:19] Make a deeper impact in the world. So, all right. I'm almost back home. Okay. So I hope you enjoyed this podcast. I normally would read a review for you, but I'm on my phone. Just walking outside. I don't want to have, I don't have one in front of me, but maybe in the next. Podcast episode, I will read your review if you haven't left one yet, please do that.
[00:16:42] That would be a great way to say thank you. But also wanting to let you know that I did finally get an optin set up. So now you can get reminders via email of when this podcast goes live. I send them once or twice a week. I should send them every time I podcast, you know, every Wednesday and Sunday. But sometimes they only get one out a week, but either way you can get a email.
[00:17:05] If you'd like to, that'll give you reminders about the podcast and it'll give you information about the upcoming bright future method workshop. Um, and anything else it's not, I mean, I mentioned the stuff that I sell in there, but it's not just one big, massive sales pitch. So, uh, just. Full disclosure. Um, so that is in the show notes.
[00:17:23] It's also bright entrepreneur podcast.com/email. And if you are really one of my insiders and you want to know what's going on and get a little bit more behind the scenes, I started a telegram channel. Telegram is a free app that you download to your phone or your desktop. It works on both and it's.
[00:17:43] Kind of like a messenger channel, except for, I don't have to deal with all of Facebook's funky rules and I am going to be, um, dropping the behind the scenes updates. Actually, I'm going to go take a picture of the road with all the Moss and the trees that I was talking about. I'm going to place that in our telegram channel and you can join that and get.
[00:18:05] Behind the scenes looks. I love that. I love that. I've been wanting to show photos once in a while, and that would be a great way to do it. So I'm going to drop that photo in the telegram channel. And I'll also tell you when you know, episodes are coming and whatever else it's going to be like my little way of.
[00:18:21] Chatting with you more casually fan of connecting with people through apps like telegram. And so if you would like to be a part of that, you can go to bright entrepreneur podcast.com/telegram and find it there. And that will also be linked in the show notes. So you can find that we'd love to have you as a part of that.
[00:18:44]And if you haven't subscribed yet, please do that. So you don't miss an episode that way either would that my friend just remember we are brighter together and the world needs us, so let's go and make it brighter.

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