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All right, my friend, how are you doing the fact that you decided to listen to this specific episode tells me that maybe right now you are feeling just a little bit or maybe a lot of overwhelm. In your life and you are hoping that you can find some relief and let go of some of the heavy burden that you are carrying.

And that's what I want to talk about today. I want to talk about a few things that I do to help overcome the overwhelm and move forward with clarity, focus, and energy.  it's that time of year when it's really easy to feel incredibly overwhelmed. And this year is especially stressful. Not only is there a global pandemic, just as a reminder as if you could have forgotten, but we've got the elections coming up just around the corner and the holidays come soon after that.

And so she feels like everybody and their sister are launching something right now, or really trying to, do what they can to prepare for the holidays. And in some places it's been especially rough because a lockdown has been starting again. In fact, I just talked to somebody tonight who is struggling because they are now in lockdown in their area and they can no longer.

Do their brick and mortar store. And so their income has fallen away and that's coming in this fourth quarter when income is usually really high, especially for retail stores. So I want to talk about this because it's really easy when we feel overwhelmed to just want to burn it all down, to go back to working for somebody else to give up and to just throw in the towel or worse yet to just.

get burned out and not do what you know you need to do. And self-sabotage really indirectly, but very noticeably. And I want to help you avoid the self-sabotage. I want to help you avoid wanting to burn down your business. And I want to share the one thing that has been helping me in a huge way.

As I have been restarting my own business and dealing with the overwhelm as well, because it's definitely been a difficult year for me. So the biggest thing that I have been focusing on that's been helping is when I am working in my business, I'm really paying a lot of attention to the activities and the things that I'm doing that really light me up in a big way and give me energy versus the things that really drain my energy.

And I talked about this a little while back, but you know, there's something I want you to remember is that, you know, it is never too late for you to make a plot twist. And the story of your business, you can pivot at any time. Now I know in my old business, it didn't even cross my mind to consider doing things differently.

I had a course, I had a membership. I had a challenge that helped me get people enrolled in the course, and it was all working really well. And it never really dawned on me to think, huh, is there something else that I could be doing that was more aligned with my zone of genius?

That brought me energy instead of sucking the life out of me that last year, before COVID hit. I spent several months really transitioning away from a launch model and into an evergreen model in part, because launching is risky and I had a. Well, I mean, it was still a good launch, but it was a bad launch compared to what it should have been and ended up being about 30% of what we normally got because Facebook had made a little bit of a change and it threw my whole challenge out of whack.

And, basically, without going into all of the details, we spent a ton of money on ads and I'm talking like $45,000. And we knew we could do that pretty comfortably because we had done several launches in the past and knew that if we had a certain number of people signed up, we were likely to make a certain amount of income.

Well, because of this Facebook change, which basically made our challenge not work as well. w barely worked at all was super disappointing because Facebook wasn't showing stuff to people in the same way that it had been. We only ended up getting a third of the results that we were expecting to get.

Now, thankfully, we still made far more than the 45,000 we spent on ads. But it was really a big pillow and it showed me how much risk is in a launch model. Even when you have things, prepared, even when you've done it several times over, there's always things that can shift. And we hadn't launched four or five months prior because we were only launching a couple of times a year.

And so there's just so much risk that you put when. You make the majority of your money in a launch. Honestly, I really love the excitement and the connection that happens when you launch.

And I love running challenges because I get to work with so many people. I get to see so many people getting results and it just feels really, really good when you can make a massive impact on your industry and see literally. Thousands of people getting results. It's amazing. And then to have them turn around and buy your product afterwards is just cool.

You get to make an impact and you get to make an income. And it's just a beautiful thing. However, I just didn't want to deal with that risk anymore, because that was really a significant blow. Like, well, he lost multiple six figures of income because of that one little change that happened in Facebook.

So we decided to move to an evergreen model and my team, and I spent several months switching everything over and changing things up. And honestly, it was really a struggle for me because. There's something about having stress, which sounds terrible. And I really hate that this is how I am, but there's something about having a healthy amount of stuff where you're on a deadline.

You've got to get things done, yeah. Act into a corner and you've just got to make magic happen. I, I do my best work. Under those settings as much as I don't love that fact. for example, right now, as I'm building a new business and money is incredibly tight, I'm finding that my best work is coming out because I'm, I've got to do it.

Like I have to make this work and I need to make it work fast. Or we need to make some massive life changes


right. Despite the fact that I really love launching, and I love the energy and I do some of my most creative and best work with it. We decided to make the switch to evergreen and it wasn't quite the same energy because number one, when you go evergreen, you're not interacting with people one on one in the same way.

And I didn't have 5,000 people doing a challenge in my free group all within the same week. And it really. Was a huge drain to my energy. Now I don't regret it. And I actually believe that having a steady stream of income in your business, especially if it's a recurring stream of income is incredibly valuable to help offset those launch, you know, the launch variability and to really bring in a bunch of consistency and remove the anxiety from your business.

However, I found that setting up an evergreen funnel and doing all of the assets for it. It did not light me up. It did not excite me in any way. I didn't realize this at the time, but the main reason that it drained me so much was not because of the technology or any of that.

It was because my zone of genius is in connecting with people and inspiring them and really. Working with them on a one-on-one basis or a very close, intimate way. I love to connect with my people in real time. I don't want to automate my connection. And so all of those months,

when I was working on my evergreen funnel, I was working outside of my zone of genius because I was stuck in the details. I was stuck in the asset creation. I was suck setting up the technology and the funnels and converting everything over from a launch model into an evergreen model. And I was changing up my conversion mechanism at the same time, because what we had done before wasn't working in the same way because of that lovely Facebook change.

And so it was just really draining for me. It was incredibly draining for me. I wasn't sure exactly why I didn't love creating the evergreen funnel until this fall, when I've started paying a lot closer attention to the things in my business that light me up and. I really spent a bunch of time trying to figure out what exactly is my zone of genius.

What are those things that I do because they bring me energy and that I just do so naturally that I don't even realize I'm doing them. And how can I do more of that in my business and avoid doing the stuff that really is far outside my zone of genius and really brings me. It just drains me. It just takes all of my energy away.

And so that I didn't realize that that was why creating this evergreen funnel was so exhausting for me until this fall. So my commitment right now is I am rebuilding this business. has been to be very, very honest with how I'm feeling about what I'm doing. I've tried to be very aware and very curious about what lights me up.

What am I really enjoying doing? What leaves me feeling energized and alive. And for me, I almost always feel my best. After I've been directly working with people in small groups. And when I've been working with people one on one, that's why I enjoy doing the clarity coaching days so much. That's why I love doing masterminds.

And I am so excited about getting the brighter together, mastermind up and running, which should be happening super soon. And I am so. Like, I'm just so excited about how I'm doing things. And honestly, it's only been what, three and a half months at this point, and I've already kind of done a little bit of a plot twist.

Like I haven't given up on the bright future method workshop in any way, shape or form completely, but I don't think that's going to be my main focus. I believe that the masterminds that I am creating and I'm starting with one, but I eventually want to have multiple groups. I believe that this mastermind that I am creating. Is going to be nothing but light and easy for me to run. I know that after every single meeting we have, I am going to be filled with energy and literally energized. I'm not going to be exhausted. I'm not going to dread showing up. And because this is so deeply part of my zone of genius, I know that serving my people and.

Really helping them get the growth that they want to have in their business. And being able to work with a small group of people for the next 12 months, at least twice a month is really exciting to me. I know it's going to just bring me so much joy and that when we're working out of our zone of genius, we're going to help other people get their best results as well.

So as you are looking at your business and you're looking at all of the things. And, you know, sometimes there are seasons when you're just getting you're done and you know, you just need to get through it. Like, I'll be honest. It is really exhausting to always be worried about cashflow and how can I keep bringing it in more?

And how can I bring it in more and say, Oh, do I want to do this? Do I not want to do this? All the questions are exhausting. All of the emotions. Oh my goodness. The emotions that you have when you're starting over or. At any point, really? They never go away, but they seem especially acute when you're starting over ban, they are exhausting.

But I want you to know that it's never too late for a pivot. It's never too late for a plot twist in the story of your business. And when you find those things in your business that just light you up. Do more of them. And when you find those things that you feel like you just have to do, cause you just have to do it when you're working out of that sense of obligation and should ask yourself, is there another way.

Could I accomplish the exact same things in a different way. So as you're going into the next few months, when overwhelm is very likely to be high, and there's going to be a ton of obligations on your plate, both personal with the holidays.

And business with the end of year stuff and just all of the things, Be really mindful as you, you go through it of the things that you're just dreading and of the things that you just love doing. And if you're at the point in your business, this where you don't love doing any of it, because you are just burned out and exhausted.

The best thing you can do is to take a few days and step away. If you can take an entire week, that would be even better, but at a minimum four days, step away from your business. Don't worry about it. Don't think about it. Do what you need to do, you know, if you have lessons to teach or something, accord them in advance, but take a few days and step away from your business and just make space and just let your brain.

Rest. I mean, literally don't sit and try and figure things out. Don't think, think, think, think, think, go play, do the stuff you love, spend time with your family, whatever it is. And I just did this, this weekend in a mini form. I took two days completely away from my business, which is hard to do when you're starting over and everything is crazy busy.

Right. And I mean, completely away, there was no checking email. There was no responding to messages. It was like, Off grid only, not really off grid. I was off the business stuff and just totally, being present and taking time to rest and do the things that I love that really fill me. And it was the best thing I could've done.

I came back so energized and I came back so focused and you might need more than a few days, but just know that, you know, you're probably burned out if you don't enjoy everything. And if you really. Go on rest and you make the space and you come back and you still don't love anything. Then it's probably time to ask yourself, what are the kinds of things you might love?

What other things could you be doing if you weren't doing this? And don't be afraid to create a business that is perfectly aligned with who you are and what your goals are in life. Because when you do that, It becomes so much easier when your business is created to be perfectly suited to who you are and what your strengths are.

It doesn't drain your energy. It's not a burden. It is a. Joy. It gives you energy and you get excited to show up and do the work. And that's what I want for you now, you know, there's always going to be some tasks that you don't love doing, but that's where you start to outsource. That's where you build your team.

That's where you hire other people who are lit up by doing that thing to come in and work beside you. I know how hard it is to get out of that messy middle. And I know how hard it is to make space and really breathe. But if you continue to operate out of a sense of obligation and you live in that place of overwhelm for too long, Eventually it is going to catch up to you. It's going to cause massive problems for you, either in your business or your personal life or your health, whatever it is, but that's not why you started your business.

You did not start your business because you wanted to live in a constant state of overwhelm. You started a business because you wanted to make an impact. You wanted to do something that you love. You wanted to design a life. That's incredible. So, if you're looking at your business and your life right now, and it's not what you thought it would be, and you're just feeling defeated and overwhelmed, know that it can get better.

Use the process that I outlined in this podcast episode, to help you start finding hints as to what it is that might let you up, how you might want to change. And then when you find those things that bring you energy double down on them. And ask yourself, how can I bring more of this into what I'm already doing?

So for the bright future method workshop that I've been teaching, I've found, I don't love teaching lessons. I mean, I love helping people get results. And so that's part of it, but I love. The Q and a side of it. I love when we get together on zoom and we do these coaching calls and we walk through the material together and make sure everybody's understanding it and applying it to their businesses.

And I love seeing the aha moments that happened from that. And I played some for you here on the podcast, just a couple of episodes ago. And so what I've been asking myself, Is how can I do more of that in the business? And so that's why I'm launching the masterminds and that's why that's going to be more of the focus.

And I've even been thinking, huh? Maybe instead of teaching the course, maybe that's just included in the mastermind. I don't know. I don't know. I haven't decided those things yet, but I'm asking myself the questions and I'm asking myself, how can I bring in more of my zone of genius into my business?

Because then I know it's easy. It's the most important question you can ask yourself to truly create a business that you love and that gives you the lifestyle you want, and that helps you make your greatest impact in the world. Because when we're working from our greatest strengths, we're going to have our greatest impact so my friend, if you are struggling to find clarity or maybe you've discovered, gosh, I love these things, but I don't know how to bring more of that into my business. Or maybe you just have so much stuff going on that you can't even take the time to sit and figure out. What you really should be focused on, or you just get so overwhelmed when you're trying to figure all out.

If you'd like some help, And would love to do a clarity coaching day with me. You can reach out to me using the contact information. That's right here in the show notes. And what we'll do first is we will do a 30 minute clarity consultation. That's totally free just to hear kind of what's going on and make sure that I'm going to be able to help you get clarity and move forward.

And then if we both feel like it's a good fit, we will schedule a day to really sit down and go through whatever it is that you are working on and really help you get clarity and try and figure out how you can take your zone of genius. And go deeper with that in your business. And if you need to make some sort of business pivot, if you are ready for a plot twist, I'm happy to help you figure out the strategy that can take you from where you are now and gently redirect your energy so that you can create a business.

That's. Truly aligned with who you are, that's light, that's easy and that's simple for you to run so that you can scale it in a big way. So just reach out to me, use the contact information in the show notes, and we can talk about moving forward. Would that my friend, I want you to remember that we are brighter together and that the world needs us.

So let's go out and make it brighter.

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