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Buy The Power of Moments book by Heath & Heath (affiliate link)

Hey, Friend. I just wanted to let you know that I had some audio issues with this podcast, but the content was so good that I wanted to share it anyways. So thanks for your understanding.
[00:00:08]if you've got kids who are going to be home for either all or part of their school this year, no matter what kind of school you're doing, and you're trying to grow your business and aren't sure how you're going to do it all. I'm here to help I've homeschooled my six kids four years while also running a seven figure online business.
[00:00:30] And I'm going to share my best tips with you in this episode. Good
[00:00:34] Okay. Start by acknowledging how hard all of this is, no matter what you selected or have forced on you. I just want you to know that I get how hard this is and I'm here to support you in any choice you have made or whatever situation that you're in. So for a little background, for those of you who don't really know me very well yet, my kids are age 14, 13, 11, seven, five, and three.
[00:01:31] And I've got how many years of homeschooling behind me as well as having done some public school. And so I know firsthand how hard it is. To start and grow a business while having the kids at home all the time. I also know that mom guilt feeling like you're never present enough with the kids, but you're not able to work as effectively since your attention is continually divided.
[00:01:57] So the first thing before we even get into the tips, just try and let go that don't judge yourself over it. This is a pandemic after. All right. My goal here is to help as many people as possible to learn from my experience. So if you know any other entrepreneurs who are going to have kids at home, and if you find these tips helpful, it means so much to me.
[00:02:22] If you could share this episode with them, once you're done, I'd love to help as many entrepreneurial parents as possible, and I need your help to do it. So here are my five best tips to help you grow your business while also doing school from home. So number one know that the first week of school sets the tone for the entire year.
[00:02:44] So think of this, like our client onboarding. If you run a membership or you do a coaching program or something, you know that those first impressions after that by really shape a lot of their experience going forward. So spend some time to make this first week really fun and special for your kids. And I especially love to focus on positivity.
[00:03:07] The other thing I'd mention about that first week is if you're able to you ease into it, don't just suddenly go all in. And I have eight hours a day of school, which I never do eight hours a day for the record, in case you wonder, and really start to ease in and think of it as a transition. This is important.
[00:03:25] Both for your kids. But also for you, not just easing into the transition, but having this really great first week, because if you can really set that tone for the rest of the school year, if you can get your kids excited about it. And if you can in place some of the things that I'm going to talk about in the next tip, it's going to run so much smoother for you.
[00:03:48] Now, if that first week is a train wreck it's Oh, okay. Don't worry about it. Life goes on, but if you can, in any way, go above and beyond to make that first week really awesome for both you and the kids. It's just going to be way easier to keep them going, keep them motivated and to read, really succeed as the school year continues on.
[00:04:10] Okay. So one other thing I'm going to mention here here is a resource. It's a book called the power of moments by chip and Dan Heath. And it's all about engineering, memorable moments in a person's life. Now I have found this incredibly helpful and insightful and helping me create moments that my kids will remember.
[00:04:31] Forever, but it's also helped me a lot in designing experiences within my business that make my clients absolutely love and adore me and feel incredibly loyal towards me and help spread the word about my business. So it will have a double benefit. If you read the book highly recommended, you will come up with all sorts of great ideas for that first week of schooling from home.
[00:04:56] And you'll find it's probably going to be something that changes how you interact with your kids going forward throughout the rest of life as well. And with your spouse or partner or anybody else that you really care about and want to create a moment for it's really awesome. So check out the book, power of moments by chip and Dan Heath.
[00:05:14] I'll put a link in the show notes as well. All right. The second tip is to plan ahead and this is kind of like multiple tips all within one. Little heading that I didn't want to have like 13 different tips for you. but all of these are based on the actual school day with your kids.
[00:05:34] So number one, create a routine. Now it's really easy when you're doing school from home, especially if you're homeschooling or have a lot of autonomy over your schedule, where nobody's telling you, you have to be somewhere at a certain time. It's really easy to just start that day later and later and later.
[00:05:53] And all of a sudden, it's just a mess. It consumes your entire day. So I absolutely believe in starting school at the same time every day. And I even liked to create a school area that is where they just do school. And honestly, it's really beneficial for you to also create a work area. If you're working from home, that is the only place that you, you really work.
[00:06:18] And when you're there, the family knows you're working. You know, when you're, and I know if you've got toddlers or babies or whatever, you can't always honor that, but as much as possible, that's where you do your work. That's where you have. this whole environment of productivity around you, even if it doesn't feel that way, cause kids are screaming in the background or whatever, you know, we've all been there.
[00:06:38] Trust me. I'm there every day and I'm just. If you can make those spaces, it's especially great for the kids, because then they know that they're kind of quote unquote, going to school, even though it's not going to school. Now, when we first started homeschooling, we didn't have spaces that we could use for their homeschool.
[00:06:58] And so our routine was every day to do school around the kitchen table. And so if anything was piled on the table, which I don't know how it's a magnet, but it always is right. So at the beginning of the day, we would make sure that everybody cleaned the table off. We started with a brand new clean table, pull out all the supplies.
[00:07:16] We pull out all the stuff we need, and then we'd start our day in school at the table. Now that my kids are older, sometimes I'll let them go and do some of their different subjects in different locations. But generally speaking, it's really helpful to have a specific location for school and it gives them a little bit more of a separation between what school time.
[00:07:39] And what's playtime, which is really helpful for kids in staying focused. You may also want to prep a whole lot of snack in advance. I don't know what it is about school starting again, but I swear my kids become bottomless pits. And so when I have, you know, a lot veggies, all cut up and prepped or a lot of crackers and stuff, it's ready to go.
[00:08:03] And, you know, I don't have to think about it. I can just pull something out real quick. And there it is. I don't have to be like. Oh, gosh, what are we going to have? You're hungry again. You can't be hungry again. You just ate five minutes ago, , you know, the conversation, right. But when you have that, all those snacks prepped in advance, it's just easier.
[00:08:21] And then the other thing I want to mention about this, just from a very practical standpoint, in terms of like planning ahead and how you're going to handle different situations to make it go smoothly, is that some days. How can it be really hard? And so don't be afraid to take a mental health day off.
[00:08:40] Now I get the benefit as a homeschooling mama of course, the entire day, without having to be accountable to anyone else. So if you are using some sort of virtual school or there is somebody else that the children are accountable to, you should really view this as like a mental health. They, even if they're doing okay, because, you know, They are not going to learn anything when they are in a certain mood.
[00:09:05] And if you can't turn that around, if they can't turn that around, it's just going to be a wasted day with nothing done. And it's going to be full of pain and fighting and arguing and whining, or just difficult stuff that isn't going to actually benefit anybody. And so you might as well take that day, find a way to refresh them.
[00:09:24] If you have to give them the day off just to go out and play, whatever. I've just found that it doesn't matter how positive I am and how well I have followed the routine they follow been fed and whatever.
[00:09:38] There are just some days that are really hard and they're just over it. And so giving them some space, not, you know, every day, not every week. But having a day here and there, that's really rare and saying, you know what, you're right. Let's turn this off. Let's do something really fun. That's super atypical.
[00:09:57] I believe that that can be a really helpful and healthy thing for your kids. And sometimes all you have to do is like an hour or two of this activity, and then they can come back and they're reset and they're ready to go. So don't be afraid to do that when your kids really need it and you'll know, or frankly, if you really need it.
[00:10:14] In fact, that's why I did one of my public school years was after we had Olaf, which is my sixth baby. He's three, he's my three year old, the year, right after we had him, I swear he broke my back. Like I love the kid, but something about going from five to six, I just, I was not capable. Of doing school that year.
[00:10:35] Like I just knew that I wouldn't be able to do it well. And so we put the kids in public school for a year and it was totally fine. It was actually really validating because it showed me that they were way ahead, even though we do so much, many fewer hours than the public school. And, then the next year we went back to homeschooling.
[00:10:51] So, you just know yourself, know what you can handle and not. And if you need to call them for a day, call it for a day. There's no shame in that. Okay. So the third thing piggybacks right off of that is to prioritize self care daily and even more regularly like quarterly. Okay. So this was really hard for me.
[00:11:16] In fact, I didn't know, do self care for probably a good solid 10 years, maybe 13 years, because I always felt like it was really selfish. I always felt like my family had to come first. And my, you know, we had to make money. We had to pay the bills. I was super responsible person. All these things just sucked all the life out and I felt bad any time for myself.
[00:11:41] And I've completely shifted that 180 degrees. Now I make sense of care, the most important part of my day. And I've had to figure out how to fit it into my schedule. I do it daily and sometimes it's just a few minutes here and there, sometimes it means taking a longer chunk of the day and getting out into the world, whatever it is for you.
[00:12:03]honestly, sometimes for me, it's grabbing like a snack or some candy or a doughnut, which I'm not a big sugar person, but every once in a while, I love to have something like that. Something I enjoy and going and hiding in the closet in my bedroom and eating it alone. So I don't have to share it with my kids, which sounds crazy, but that can be self care too.
[00:12:23] Like it's okay to have something you love. That's just for you, you know, maybe it's meditation or contemplation. I do that in the mornings. Maybe it's exercise for you every day. Getting out for a run. I know that's been a huge part. Of my self care this year in particular, especially as I've been training for an ultra marathon, whatever it is, try and get them daily.
[00:12:45]you know, but also think about what can you do? We do weekly, monthly, quarterly. That really is going to help you be your best self. Because when we are rested, we can give from such a better place than we, when we are continually exhausted. And I especially want to speak to the moms out there. I know that.
[00:13:05] There's this , weird, weird conditioning out there that says good mom is always, you know, selfless. We give to everybody, we are servant leaders and I fully believe in serving and I fully believe in being generous, but there's almost the shame around giving ourselves that same care and courtesy.
[00:13:28] Can you imagine? How it would feel if somebody even cares for you one 10th of the way that you care for your children, right? Do this for yourself, make this a priority, do not feel bad about doing this. The thing that really got me started with self care, and it's not just going to a spa all the time or whatever, it can be all sorts of things.
[00:13:49] I'll give you a couple other ideas in a minute, but the thing that really drove this, Tom for me, was thinking about my daughters one day. What I want them giving to such an exhausted in an overwhelmed level, what I want them living their life like that day in and day out, day in, day out. Okay. All for other people and never ever for who they were created to be what I want them to sacrifice their gifts and their passions and their talents so that they could be, something they feel like they should be, but that's completely draining them.
[00:14:26], I would never want them to feel bad, taking a little bit of time to do the activities that they love. They bring them life and that make them a better mom that make them a better partner, whatever it is, make them a better person in general. Right. And so when I thought about it, that way, it's just like, Oh, why would I go way out of my way to do this for my kids, but never myself.
[00:14:48] And so once I got over that, it changed everything in my life. It's been one of the best things I've ever done. you know, maybe for you, it's weekly wine with your girlfriends or a monthly or quarterly getaways, you just have to figure out what the, this means for you, but, okay. Do you know that one of the most, supportive things I have in my life that I consider it self care in some ways is connecting with a group of friends.
[00:15:14] And I don't even need to have lots of time with them. I don't even need to see them every day or talk to them every day or whatever. But knowing that I have groups of friends that I can just send a quick little message over to and say, Oh my gosh, I'm struggling today. How are you doing? Or, you know, send help.
[00:15:30] This is what's going on, craziness or whatever, and just have the empathy and the compassion and have them speak truth back into me and encouragement. It's so. Amazing. And I really did not pursue building friendships for years cause I was just too busy and I didn't prioritize self care and it's something I've gone deep into in the last year and a half and has changed everything.
[00:15:55] So highly recommend that. if you go back in the archives, by the way, season one has some episodes about retreats and stepping away and creating space. And I don't have the episode numbers in front of me. Sorry about that. But if you go look, you'll find them. and I highly recommend listening to some of the benefits to that.
[00:16:13] It has literally changed my life in the best of ways. Okay. So definitely prioritize self care on the regular, both at least daily, something small. also, you know, bigger things throughout time as you need them and schedule them or they won't happen. It's another tip. Schedule them in advance. All right.
[00:16:31] Number four is as a business owner, it's really important for us to buy as much time back. As we can to work on our business. If we have kids at home all the time, it is going to make it much more difficult for us to get our work done. Because even if we able to work the same number of hours, the fact that we have the mental load of thinking about the kids being there or hearing them and knowing that they're there.
[00:16:56] And the fact, you know, like it's just, it's heavier. It's always there, especially for us moms and maybe for some dads too, not a dad. So it's harder for me to speak to that, but. Especially as moms, it's really hard. I found it as a mom, really hard to unplug from hearing everything that's going on and paying attention to it, to really focus on my business.
[00:17:16] So my attention is divided never as effective and efficient when I'm trying to work with kids in the background, even if they are fully entertained and behaving well, as I am, when I can leave my home where there's all sorts of triggers of things that need to get done, and the mental load is big. Right.
[00:17:34] But if I can leave my home and have dedicated work, it is easily five to 10 times more effective and efficient. I get way more done when I can get out of the house. Okay. So, maximize the amount of work, only time that you have dedicated work hours and buy it back, if you can. And here's some ways you can do that.
[00:17:53] So, number one, a free way to get more time is to ask a partner or a spouse, if they can. Set aside some time for you that is dedicated to working. Now, maybe that's a couple hours a day. Maybe it's just one hour a day. Maybe it's , an entire day, a week where you go and you just, you know, you find a park or something and you just work like mad and you get or done, right.
[00:18:17] Whatever it is. If your partner, you have one can provide some really dedicated work time where you're just away from everything that is huge. the second thing you can do is it can actually hire a tutor to help the kids with school. There's a lot of teachers who are out of work right now, who would love to be able to help your kids through school, to make up some of the money that they've lost.
[00:18:41] Even if they're doing virtual public school, having somebody there who can help keep them focused and make sure that they're doing during their homework and keep them accountable. We'll free up so much mental load, and we'll give you extra time that you can be working while they're working with their kids.
[00:18:56] That's another thing you can do, right. Is hire a house manager. Now, this sounds weird, but they do, they can do things like laundry, cooking meals, basic cleaning. They can even do some nanny. Yeah. And childcare for you running errands. This is probably the most life-changing hire we ever made. And I fought this one for a long time because you know, we're not the kind of people who has, live in help or whatever.
[00:19:22] And it doesn't have to be live in. Ours, happens to be living because we live super remote, but we have a full time house manager. And it's kind of like having another wife, which sounds funny, not like the relationship side, but like somebody to make sure that everybody gets fed and all the clothes, this is washed folded, put away the toys are put away.
[00:19:42] So when I am home, I don't have to be focused on doing the mound of dishes. I can actually be focused on my children. So in the mornings I do my homeschool with them and work with them. And then I can go work in the afternoons and come home and actually be mom, instead of having to do all the chores and trying to multitask all the time, yeah, no idea how heavy that mental load is and how much that keeps you from doing your best work.
[00:20:10] Until you have somebody there who's really on your team, who's happy to help you with all of those things. It's been nothing but a joy. I do teaching of the lessons and I give them their assignments, but she can help follow through to make sure they get it done. She's not doing any teaching, but, it's just changed so much.
[00:20:28] I mean, if you can hire some childcare or a nanny or somebody to come in and watch your children, so you can get a little bit more dedicated work time. That can be great, whether full time, part, time, whatever, but also you may want to consider hiring more people on your team. If you haven't ever hired somebody for your business team, starting with a virtual assistant is a really great way to start outsourcing tasks that you definitely do not need to be doing.
[00:20:54]maybe for a content repurposing. So for example, I hire somebody to take my videos and reformat them into blog posts, into audio, okay. Into summaries, into an email, social media posts and schedule them on all the platforms. So all I have to do is one single video and upload it. And then they do all the rest and it costs me like $30 a video to have all that content done.
[00:21:17]it's a no brainer. It's absolutely. One of the best investments ever. And I buy back so much of my time, so I can do the stuff that actually brings things and money. Yeah. Instead of focusing on all those things that are simply processes that anybody can follow. growing your team and being willing to invest in your brand in yourself and my buy back your time so that you're doing the most important things will change.
[00:21:43] So much. Now here's a big thing to remember. It don't be you afraid to invest in your business when you can leverage it to make more money. Okay. So I know that if you've been doing this yourself, and you're not making a ton of money yet, this can be really hard, but bright entrepreneurs who are successful, who are really growing.
[00:22:04] No, that they're not wasting money. This is not an expense. This is literally an investment that will make them back far more money in the end, multiple times over because they're getting more work done faster. So they're getting more results faster, which means more money faster. And the rate of growth in terms of profit is almost always greater than what you're going to be paying a team.
[00:22:33] And it should be if you're going to be doing this, it's called an ROI. If you're doing the whole team process, right? If you're making processes, people can follow. If you're really empowering them to do the work and not micromanaging running a team is a whole nother area of leadership. So that's something you want to hear more about and I have done it all wrong, but I've also done it.
[00:22:54] All right. And then with this, COVID destroying my business. I've really pared back to like the barest chosen. I'm going to be rebuilding my team again, basically almost from scratch as this business grows. And so if you want hear more about that process, if you want to hear more about how to grow a team correctly, make the right hires all of those things.
[00:23:16] If you could drop me a message on Instagram, just at Jamie M Swanson and let me know, that's something you'd be interested in. let me know. And I'll, I'll consider talking about that more. It wasn't something I was thinking about originally, but I know that this is an area that can really be an expensive mess if you don't know what you're doing.
[00:23:35] And so I'd be happy to share some of those insights with you here on the podcast, if there's enough interest for it. Alright. So fifth and final tip that I would say is really, Get very good at leveraging the time that you do have and use it in a very focused way. Okay. So what I mean by this is, a lot of entrepreneurs who are even into the six figures, like, you know, one to $300,000 or less, they are doing so much stuff that really doesn't matter.
[00:24:07], they're rebranding the website and they're, they're doing this and that. And the other thing, and they're posting and all the social media channels and near her busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, we've got these big, complicated businesses that are profitable, but they just can't keep up. And if this is you and you are just like, how am I going to do school and do all this stuff?
[00:24:25] And my business is going to go into decline. It's overwhelming. It's absolutely overwhelming. And so. What you really need to focus on is the five to 10% of the stuff you do that actually brings in more income and grows your business. Now it can be easy to, I think he needs to do all this stuff, even vital stuff, right.
[00:24:48] Starting over. I know so many people who are like, Oh, I have to grow list first before I can sell to them. And then there's me. Who's like, Oh, I've got 17 people on my list. 17 people on my list. That's not an exaggeration or an under exaggeration. It's literally seven. Yeah. Teen people. And I've made over five figures of income in the first 30 days.
[00:25:09] We're not even at the 30 day Mark yet from the 17 people. Actually. It's not all from them. I just started selling it's people I attracted. Yeah. It's just, you don't need to have a big audience in order to start selling and making money. If you have a plan. No. How do I attract the right people? And how to position your product for them in a way that they want it.
[00:25:34] Like when they see it, they're like, Oh gosh, yes, I actually do want this. And so you need to have a very concise, focused plan. That really is just the stuff that really matters. Right. This is another way of buying time back because you're not wasting it and procrastinate working on stuff that does not get you results.
[00:25:52] Okay. second in terms of saying focused. Stick with what you are most aligned with and do most naturally, right. serve out of your strengths, not out of your weaknesses when we're doing something that is naturally easy for us to do.
[00:26:09] It takes us way less time and we get way better results. Whereas when we do stuff that we're not as good at, but we feel like we have to do it. It takes us the longer, it wastes a bunch of time. We don't get as good a result. And so we really want to focus on the stuff that we are good at and go all in would those things.
[00:26:28] And you'll find usually that the five to 10% of the stuff that gets results is this stuff that's naturally easy for you to do anyways. So it's a really great way to leverage the time you have. You also do not want to be second guessing. You plan create a strategic step by step plan and stick to it. You should always know what you're going to be working on this week.
[00:26:49] What you're going to be working on next week. You should know any moment that you, you have to sit down and work without them kids without distraction. You should know exactly what you need to jump into and not be wondering. Gosh, what should I do next? Because then you're going to get sucked into some Facebook group or some podcast episode.
[00:27:07] And talking to people or whatever it is you do to procrastinate. Right. For me, I connect with people cause I love to connect with people and I love to learn. So those are my two things that I do a lot of when I really am not fully clear on what I should do next, or I'm trying to procrastinate. I don't want to do it.
[00:27:24] I know needs to happen next. Right. So when you have a plan and you're not second guessing it and you stick to it, You get it done faster and you don't waste your time on stuff. That's not going to bring immediate results. Okay. And then consistency here is key. And I just want to mention this. You'd probably know this already.
[00:27:42] You're here. You're bright entrepreneur, but your business is going to suffer most when you're inconsistent and you stop showing up for some time. So you want to do everything you can do to avoid that. And this might be something that that's a challenge as you're doing school from home. Because they're just maybe times when you can't get to everything.
[00:28:03] And so now before everything gets crazy or hopefully you're not in that moment right now, if you are just get started, get back on the horse. But as soon as you have a time really through where are the spots that are going to be potentially sticking and how can you plan to overcome them now and stay consistent with your content schedule?
[00:28:25]making sure your contents schedule is actually, you know, bringing in the right people, creating the desire for your products and selling it, which we're going to talk about over the next few episodes. So Hey, you know, if you haven't subscribed yet, here's your hook, just subscribe, but definitely make sure everything is staying consistent because if there's a gap, if you become inconsistent, the numbers are going to plummet this podcast.
[00:28:48] Fantastic example of that. As much as I hate to say it. But this was this podcast, seasons one and two were really a passion project for me. I didn't have a business plan for them. I was doing it because I love the idea of working or I'm doing a podcast CAS, and I wanted to share the stuff I was learning as I grew my seven figure business with other entrepreneurs because that's, that's my people, which is why it made so much sense for me to pivot into the entrepreneur space.
[00:29:20] But now I am absolutely committed to consistency because the last two seasons as I would podcast for a while and the numbers would start to grow really well. And then they would plummet because I would just stop and I would stop for a couple of months or more and I'd stop in the middle of stuff.
[00:29:37] Right. And it just kills any momentum that you've built. You've got to keep that momentum going and to keep the momentum going. You've got to have consistency. So. If you have listened to all this stuff, and you know that it's going to be rough this year with kids at home, and you want to figure out what your step-by-step plan is, what those five things, 10% of those activities are that are really going to bring you in the revenue and really what you're gifted at, what you're aligned with it.
[00:30:09] I am so good at helping people figure out. Where their gifts are and how to really lean into them , if you already have something that sells, you're making some money and you want help doing that, you don't have to do this alone.
[00:30:23] I would love to help you. I would love to do a clarity coaching day with you. And really set up a step by step plan so that you don't lose momentum so that you always know exactly what you should be focused on as you're moving forward and have this work time so that you can continue growing your business.
[00:30:43] Even if you're schooling from home, you don't want to let that affect or hurt your business in any way. And I improve as a mom with six kids that you do not have to have this. Hurt your business. Right? I homeschool my children and have for years. So I know this from experience and I am so good at helping you figure out what you want, make a clear and simple plan for getting there.
[00:31:09] Simplicity is everything, and I would love to help you get that. So yeah, if this sounds interesting to you, all you have to do is go into the show notes and find my contact information. and then message me and if I have any open spots, cause I'm only doing two per week at the most.
[00:31:28] we'll set up a free 30 minute call where I'm going to ask you a bunch of questions about your business and really just make sure that we're a good fit. I want to see if I can actually help you do this because I would never want somebody to hire me that I didn't 100% feel confident.
[00:31:43] I could, I mean that they would look back on this and say, that was the best investment in the business they made in a long time, because they made several times over their money back. Right. So, if we do this discovery call and we feel like it's a great fit, then we'll set up a clarity coaching day where we will spend a day together and create that step by step strategy for you. That's super focused. It's really easy so that you can follow it and grow it business as you school from home. So just head on over to the show notes and send me that message.
[00:32:14] Now, if you're new around here and you found this helpful, we'd love it. If you'd subscribe, you know, tell all your friends who are entrepreneurs who have kids at home doing school, even if it's just part of the week, have them come listen to this episode. and also if you like this episode, it would be awesome.
[00:32:31] If you would leave a review. I know it's the shameless ask. We all ask that. but I'm occasionally going to be reading them here on the podcast and I'd love to feature your, your review. Like this one that I just got recently from N D H Vaughn, which says five stars. I love Jamie's podcast.
[00:32:48] I've followed Jamie for the better part of a decade. And I really love her podcast. I listened to a lot of podcasts, mostly entrepreneur and business related, and I really liked the helpful and real content she's putting out. I admire her ethics, her vulnerability, and her genuine desire to help others grow their businesses.
[00:33:05] She's very knowledgeable and really fun to listen to you. Subscribe. You'll be glad you did. Thanks. N D H Vaughn for the awesome review and my friend, we are brighter together. The world needs us. So let's go and make it brighter.

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Listen to my PRIVATE Podcast here: https://gettheprivatepodcast.com

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Brighter Together Mastermind Info: https://www.wearebrightertogether.com

Chat with Jamie (anything goes, but I'm especially interest in your questions or feedback about the episode!) https://www.videoask.com/fgg8ofabv