Michael talks about fitness success via his Community Service Paradigm. He is a nationally recognized and influential figure in the world of fitness and exercise. He holds a Bachelors and Masters degree in Kinesiology – Exercise Science and Exercise Physiology

Michael talks about fitness success via his Community Service Paradigm.

He is a nationally recognized and influential figure in the world of fitness and exercise. He holds a Bachelors and Masters degree in Kinesiology – Exercise Science and Exercise Physiology from California State University – Northridge (CSUN).

He is a former instructor of Weight Training and Fitness for Life courses at the CSUN department of Kinesiology. He is also a Certified Personal Trainer by two of the most respected and prestigious fitness organizations in the world, the National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA) and the American Council on Exercise (ACE). 2010 Jefferson Award Recipient for his community service leadership in founding the Excellence Through Exercise Foundation for kids.

Michael is the owner of Michael Seril Fitness, Inc. and the Founder of the Excellence Through Exercise Foundation. He is an Advisory Board member for Get America Fit Foundation, Maximum Fitness magazine and Rio Hondo Community College Fitness Certificate Program. Michael was acclaimed with the 2006 Personal Trainer of the Year by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). In, 2007, Michael received the Community Leadership Award from the President’s Council on Physical Fitness & Sports. Learn more on Michael’s website!