Perry was about 9. He was at the free throw line and thought, “If I hit this shot I’ll go to heaven.” The drive to earn God’s favor started early in Perry. But it’s actually imbedded in the human heart. What are the ways we’re still “shooting free throws” to get God’s favor?

Next, it’s by believing in Jesus’ work that we are set right with God, not by our own works. But Shawna says, “Believing for me, at times, is hard work.” So is faith a kind of work we do to get God’s favor?

Ever wish you had a more powerful testimony? Shawna has. There’s never been a time she didn’t know God’s love. But she shares, “It also breaks my heart that even though I’ve always known God’s love, I’ve still chased lesser things.” We all need to run home to God’s radical grace and forgiveness.

Then, Shawna’s been noticing how often we use the word “invitation” when we talk about what God is calling us to do and be. Perry and Shawna wrestle with, “Is what God has called us to an invitation or is it actually a command?”

During Perry’s senior year at Olivet he became hyper-aware of the sins of his teenage years. He felt the compulsion to go back and fix everything. He felt the need to be punished. That’s when the gospel began to come alive in his heart!

What God has done for us in radically canceling our sin debt may leave us wondering if that decision can be revoked? Is it too good to be true? Praise God that as he hung on the cross Jesus declared, “It is finished!”

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