That’s what Bob Blincoe said to Jesus in the 1990’s when he moved his family to Northern Iraq where, at the time, there we 0 missionaries in a million! And because God works with the unqualified there’s now a growing church of Kurdish Muslim background believers there.

Bob Blincoe of FrontiersUSA joins the podcast to call you and me to give up our smaller ambitions and bring the gospel to places and peoples in the world that have NO access to the word of God.

First Bob talks about the power of 0 missionaries in a million and the power of being unqualified to plant the good news where it’s never been heard andhow God loves these odds! Then Perry admits, “I want my heart to be a flame for the lost, but I’ve become lukewarm.”

Perry asks Bob, “When you breathe your last breath, by the grace of God, what do you hope to see looking back at your life.” Next, Perry also asks Bob, “Should the reality of hell motivate us to go?”  Then, “All the sad things will come untrue.” Just look at Psalm 22.

Last, Bob is just now into his 8th decade of life, but his passion to preach the gospel where Christ is not known burns hot as does his passion to send the next generation to finish the Great Commission! Please share this show!

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