Are you struggling to differentiate between a deep appreciation for intimacy and an unhealthy addiction to love, sex, or porn? Dive into Part 1 of our eye-opening discussion where experts, Lacy Bentley and Heather Cronemiller, LICSW, dissect the often-misunderstood world of addictive relationships and digital temptation.

Memorable Quotes:

"In love addiction, there's a lot of obsession. It's about the high all the time, but then that high dies down, so does the relationship." - Lacy Bentley

Key Points:
 Bentley and Cronemiller, addiction specialists, discuss the nuanced differences between love addiction and a deep need for affection. The impact of social media and mainstream media on normalizing pornographic content is highlighted, suggesting a societal shift in what's considered acceptable. Experts introduce the 'inner child model,' a therapeutic approach that links childhood traumas to addictive behaviors in adulthood.
Join us for Part 1 of this compelling two-part series as we peel back the layers of love, sex, and porn addiction with our knowledgeable guests. Don't miss the continuation of this conversation in Part 2, where we'll delve deeper into recovery strategies and how to regain control of your emotional well-being. 

Resources Mentioned in this episode:

Order the book on Amazon!   

Lacy's website -

Heather's website -

The International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals
Sex and Relationship Healing