Has anyone ever told you that you should write a book about your experiences? Have you written a book yet? What are you waiting for? Most people take their incredible stories to their graves and only share them with immediate family, if anyone at all. Today's guest Vikrant Shaurya, Founder & CEO of BestSellingBook.com has built a team around him to help you write a book every step of the way. 

Writing books in 2021 doesn't typically involve sitting down with a typewriter or a pen and paper. Today, books are written through interviews and artificial intelligence tools. It is much less work for the author and it allows you, the writer just to tell the story and allow the editors to put it all together in a fraction of the time. The process is SO VERY EASY!!

During this interview Vikrant gave Top 4 Tips to becoming a Best Seller

1. High Quality Product by adding massive value to the reader- identify the pain and the solution.

2. Packaging- Quality Book Cover is crucial

3. Price- Needs to be the right price for the industry- checking the market is crucial

4. Promotion- Promote thoroughly until you become on the Amazon Best Seller, Wall Street Best Seller and NY Times Best Seller

Vikrant also shared Top 4 Mistakes Authors Make

1. Lack Book Outline - download your own today by going to www.BestSellingBook.com/Checklist

2. While writing you try to make each paragraph perfect- let the editors do their job- complete a 1st draft then edit

3. Don't try and write like in the 19th century with a pen and paper or typewriter- hire a ghost writer and conduct an interview

4. Use Artificial Intelligence to make things as simple as possible

Ready to share your story with the world and publish your own book with Vikrant's team leading the way every step of the way? 

If yes, go to: https:/go.BestSellingBook.com/PerkyCollarRadioShow

Thank you for listening to another episode of the Perky Collar Radio Show. 

Warmest Regards, 

David M. Frankel 

Perky Collar Inventor, Perky, LLC Founder, Perky Collar Radio Show Host, Commercial Real Estate Broker & Business Broker 

www.PerkyLLC.com, www.BBOTC.net 

Feel free to join my Entrepreneur Group on Facebook www.Facebook.com/Groups/CharlotteEntrepreneurThinkTank 

Feel free to learn more about The Fenx and join fellow successful Entrepreneurs https://entrepreneurs-maclackey.thrivecart.com/the-fenx-monthly/?ref=cettsupport 

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