What is it like to be a trucker? What are the differences between working for a large carrier, as a trucker, and owning a trucking company? Today's guest Darnell Jacobs, Founder of A List Transportation, LLC has done both and we discussed many of those differences. When Darnell realized school was not his thing, he turned to trucking to provide for his family. We discuss the challenges he faced working for a carrier as well as the challenges of ownership. Bottom line, Darnell wanted to live the way he wanted to live and he knew owning a transportation company was going to give him the freedom and lifestyle he desired.

Darnell reinforces that you don't need to go to college to be successful and he has proven that with his success. Tune in to hear his extraordinary story and hopefully gain an appreciation for what truckers go through daily to get the products you want and need onto the store shelves.

If you are interested in joining Darnell's team or want to learn more, reach out to him at [email protected]     

Thank you for listening to another episode of the Perky Collar Radio Show.

Warmest Regards,

David M. Frankel

Perky Collar Inventor, Perky, LLC Founder, Perky Collar Radio Show Host, Commercial Real Estate Broker & Business Broker

www.PerkyLLC.com, www.BBOTC.net

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