Learn the spiritual reasons why we hold onto excess weight - both physical and emotional - and why we have certain behaviors around food such as overeating or restricting. Alyssa Love is a feminine embodiment coach who uses menstrual cycles as one way to address women's relationship to food and their bodies.

In this episode we chat about vibrational eating as well as how to eat with the seasons of your cycle so that you can listen to and honor your intuition.

Alyssa Love
IG: @iam.alyssalove

Online Courses by Alyssa Love available at www.iamalyssalove.com
Woo Woo Weightloss

Leave a 5 star review & send a screen shot to Hannah at [email protected] and I will personally send you the first half of my online program MOON which includes an Amba Women's Embodied Movement video for each phase of your cycle


Song: Cuñaq by Scott Nice