Fight or flight, or Flow & Rise? Fear and scarcity mentality is amplified in the world today - not because this is new, rather because fear and scarcity have been strong in human consciousness for a long time and now we are being called to fully transmute this old paradigm as a collective. Disconnection from the womb, our bodies, and the earth - which are inherently abundant - leads to increased fear and scarcity consciousness. In this powerful episode, Hannah Grasso & Sam Rea of Yoni Temple School discuss womb wisdom and embodiment practices to support us in transmuting our own remnants of fear and lack when it shows up so that we can continuously flow & rise into abundance consciousness & create a powerful ripple effect into the collective.

In This Powerful Episode:
- the alternative response to "fight or flight" that brings you out of fear and scarcity consciousness and into abundance consciousness
- embodying abundance consciousness through the earth + womb connection
- 5 step embodiment practice for transmuting fear, scarcity, anxiety, and more...
- our social responsibility to cultivating and embodying our individual abundance consciousness for the collective

Join our virtual monthly Wombyn's Full Moon Circle!
A global gathering for women to explore womb connection and embodiment infused with Ritual, Elemental Connection, Amba Movement & Deep Nourishment, Dance as Prayer, Altar Magic, and Sisterhood.
Upcoming: Saturday April 4, 2020 at 2-5p PST

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