Journal prompt --

What do you want to feel? What is the end goal? How do I want to show up? What kind of expectations can I set for ME?

The details:

(1:55) That one time I assigned a meaning to a perfectly innocent gesture. 

(3:42) What I expected from my partner in my relationship.

(5:20) And, what happens when he didn't pick up what I was puttin' down...

(6:20) Ever been tested & didn't even know you were being tested?

(7:00) We've all got shhhhtuuff, y'all.

(7:55) The lesson: expectations can ruin everything, but do they have to?

(8:45) A little communication goes a long way. 

(9:15) Jump through the hoops & pass the test, if you can.

(10:43) Expectations can be removed & released. 

(13:43) Setting healthy expectations. 

(14:30) Are the expectations that you're setting for YOU or for OTHERS?

(15:20) The socially shared quote that helps us feel better about setting these expectations. 

(17:23) Ready to take an honest look at where you've got some expectations?

(18:36) Setting accountable expectations (ie: all about you!).

(19:14) Reality falls short of the fantasy that we've dreamt up.

(22:07) Are we really in control?

(22:30) Journal prompt. -- What do you want to feel? What is the end goal? 

(23:35) Let's be honest, would we really do that for another? Or do we just want to judge?

I would LOVE to be your guide, my friends! Join me in an upcoming coaching group so that you step out of expectations & into your greatness!

Let's be social! Tag me in your biggest AHA moment & I'll return to favor & share your takeaways!