In this episode, I discuss a common challenge faced by new coaches: the struggle to find their niche and the identity crisis that often accompanies it. 

If you’ve ever wondered, “Am I good enough to coach on this?” this episode is for you. 

We explore practical strategies for overcoming perfectionism and imposter syndrome and for leveraging your unique experiences to build a thriving coaching business.

Key Points:

Understanding the 10% Edge: You don’t need to be an expert at everything; having a slight edge over your audience is enough to start.Long-Term Growth: Use your 10% edge as a foundation to continue learning and growing, eventually becoming an expert in your field.

Three Crucial Questions:

Why am I doing this? (Your purpose and passion)What results will my clients achieve? (The value you provide)How familiar am I with the subject? (Leveraging personal experiences)

Action Steps:

Reflect on your purpose and the results you aim to deliver.
Focus on continuous improvement from your current knowledge base.
Engage with your audience authentically, building trust and credibility.

Link Mentioned in this episode: 
Amy Porterfield What Does a 10% Edge Really mean & Are You Overthinking it? 

🔥 Free Resources For You: Join Profitable Coach Formula Waitlist Here: 


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