Sachin Patel and Dr. Buddy Touchinsky discuss a range of topics relating to functional medicine, self-care practices, being supported and mentored, mentoring and coaching others, and personal growth. Dr. Touchinsky is creating a direct primary care functional medicine practice that is independent of insurance, and while it is breaking new ground, it is very tough going. He is making a difference in his small-town Pennsylvania community. Listen in for counsel on showing up even in the hard times. You never know who will stand up to support you if you ask for help.


Key Takeaways:

[1:03] Sachin welcomes listeners to today’s episode! This is a special interview with Sachin’s friend, Dr. Buddy Touchinsky. Sachin and Dr. Buddy went to chiropractic school together. They are also both functional medicine practitioners and entrepreneurs trying to innovate in the healthcare space! Today, they talk about mentorship!


[3:00] When Dr. Buddy Touchinsky came out of chiropractic college, he didn’t know what he didn’t know. Coaching at the time consisted of expensive practice management companies with rigid programs.


[4:14] At first, Sachin wanted to do things his way. Asking for help was seen as a sign of weakness. Sachin recalls how his mother would just assume he knew how to do everything. Now, he believes it’s always great to get help from people who are just a few steps ahead of us.


[5:54] Sachin hired Dr. David Singer, went to one of his trainings, and was hooked on the idea of being held accountable. If it wasn’t for training on how to charge for a package of care, Dr. Patel might still be charging visit-by-visit. That tool changed his belief in himself.


[6:59] Dr. Touchinsky tells of his first experiences charging for a package of care. He discounted his services to get more patients. He had some success and noticed that the patients were there to get better. They had buy-in.


[8:25] It was a big milestone for Sachin to be able to attract the right person, who is investing in themselves, and trusting and investing in you to get them where they want to go with their health.


[9:02] Dr. Touchinsky came out of chiropractic college ready to work on sports injuries, back injuries, and spinal manipulation. He noticed that patients with back pain usually had more health issues. Before he heard of functional medicine, he started to dabble in it. He picked up Integrative Orthopedics: Integrative, Nutritional, Botanical and Manipulative Therapeutics, by Dr. Alex Vasquez and studied the science in it.


[10:25] About five years into his practice, Dr. Touchinsky saw he was overweight and felt out of shape so he did a metabolic reset. In 21 days he lost 21 pounds, was sleeping better, thinking more clearly, getting his files done on time, and feeling better.


[11:21] Dr. Touchinsky decided to test out the reset on a small group of patients. He picked a cohort of five people that he put on a program. They all got great results, too. He wanted to get this program to more people, so he dove into functional medicine, and signed up for FMU. About halfway through, he still wanted to know how to spread his influence to the masses.


[11:59] Then Dr. Touchinsky saw an old classmate, Dr. Patel!. Sachin was talking about all the things Dr. Touchinsky wanted to hear about and that people needed to hear. Dr. Touchinsky got together with Dr. Patel to learn more and became an active member and now, a coach, in Dr. Patel’s community.


[13:21] Others have helped Dr. Touchinsky along the way, including local Rotary and other group meetings. He finds that everybody he meets has got something going on. You see all the smiles on social media, but meeting people, you see into their real lives. Nobody’s perfect and we all work through our stuff.


[17:13] Sachin says joining groups is always a great reminder that everyone’s human. We all go through stuff, and we can help each other, either to prepare for going through it or because we’ve been through it. Never struggle alone. Join a group like Perfect Practice or another group of like-minded people.


[18:26] Sachin thinks of a mentorship or a coaching program as a time machine. Join a group of six 29-year-olds and you’ve got 180 years of life experience and thousands of experiences these people have been through. You’re tapping into that. With all the wisdom others have poured into them, you have essentially an infinite reservoir of knowledge and wisdom.


[20:15] Dr. Touchinsky also has a health food store, and a metabolic reset group. Now he is shifting into direct primary care. COVID-19 shut down the functional medicine and chiropractic practice for a few weeks and then they opened up slowly.


[21:51] The shutdown gave them more time to think about alternative ways of helping people if you can’t see them in person. Dr. Touchinsky tried James Maskell’s The Community Cure, and a test group in 2020 went well. Groups are powerful. Dr. Touchinsky wants to get more people back in person.


[24:02] Dr. Touchinsky started a functional medicine family practice that is more proactive care, building healthy habits, than reactive and community-centred.


[27:32] Dr. Touchinsky hired a consultant to help him set up a direct primary care functional medicine practice but this is a new business model! Dr. Touchinsky is creating his own thing. Having a coach and mentors helped. Without them and his self-care, he may not have made it. Now he can move forward to better things and grow his practice.


[30:01] Sachin compares a mentor to a personal trainer. The trainer spots you while you lift, but you have to do the work and lift the weight, but the trainer gives you the 5% lift to make it. Carrying a bigger load is where the growth takes place. Mentors and the community give an emotional lift.


[31:39] If you don’t show up, even when it’s toughest and you don’t want to show up, you don’t get the support and you won’t make it through. Sachin says vulnerability is a superpower! It’s the stepping stone to the next level of your personal character development.


[33:59] Sachin cites Simon Sinek, “You will be shocked at who and how many people will come to your rescue if you simply ask for help.” People are waiting in the woodwork to jump in and be supportive of others. People don’t aspire to be perfect, they aspire to be human and vulnerability is part of the human experience.


[36:57] Advice to any who are struggling and feel alone:

Step back and look at the big picture. Remember the people you’ve helped. Be with your family. Keep showing up and plugging into your groups, and get help. Self-care. Keep investing in yourself. Keep going to the sauna and exercising. Get your sleep. Stay hydrated. Eat healthily.


[41:48] Sachin has taken a cold shower every day this year, and every day, he still dreads it but he feels good afterward. In the cold shower, Sachin practices slow, steady, box breathing, and rotating in the shower with each four-second breath in, hold, breath out, and hold.


[43:05] Dr. Touchinsky's professional goal is to prove that there’s a model for healthcare that is fun, exciting, and relaxing for the providers, and that benefits the patients as well. He explains how patients access his direct primary care model that does not rely on or use insurance.


[45:22] Dr. Touchinsky's personal goal is to set these practices up in a way where he has plenty of time for his family and himself. He and his wife are going to Italy soon, and he'd like to travel more often and invest more money in experiences with his family rather than material things.


[46:39] Sachin thanks Dr. Touchinsky for his time today and being a member, council member, and coach at Perfect Practice. He invites Dr. Touchinsky to share his closing thoughts.


[47:23] Dr. Touchinsky shares his blue-collar background and says none of this would be possible without seeing what others are doing for him through groups and mentorship.

[49:26] Sachin signs off with a definition of LUCK: leveraging and understanding critical knowledge. If you can leverage and understand critical knowledge, you’re LUCKy!


Mentioned in this episode

Perfect Practice Live

Integrative Orthopedics: Integrative, Nutritional, Botanical and Manipulative Therapeutics, by Dr. Alex Vasquez

Functional Medicine University

Rotary International

Lions Club International

The Community Cure: Transforming Health Outcomes Together, by James Maskell


Oura Ring

Genius Network

Simon Sinek


What the Heck Is EOS?: A Complete Guide for Employees in Companies Running on EOS, by Gino Wickman and Tom Bouwer


More about today’s guest Dr. Buddy Touchinsky

Buddy Touchinsky, DC, CFMP has been serving the community of Orwigsburg professionally and personally through local leadership roles for 15 years. He is married to Susie, and they have a daughter, Megan.


Dr. Touchinsky is a chiropractor and functional medicine practitioner with a focus on creative solutions and innovative methods to help people solve their problems and maximize their health. It was in his chiropractic practice that missing links within the full health of an individual became apparent. Many of the patients he treated were dealing with issues caused by poor diet, lack of exercise, inadequate sleep, and other lifestyle-related factors that the traditional healthcare system was not addressing. This led Dr. Touchinsky to study and become certified in functional medicine and to develop a team of like-minded practitioners.


On Facebook: Dr. Touchinsky

On Instagram: @drtouchinsky

On LinkedIn: Dr. Touchinsky


More about your host Sachin Patel

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Books by Sachin Patel:

Perfect Practice: How to Build a Successful Functional Medical Business, Attract Your Ideal Patients, Serve Your Community and Get Paid What You’re Worth

The Motivation Molecule: The Biological Secrets To Eliminate Procrastination, Skyrocket Productivity, and Get Sh!t Done