Sarah Kruse joins the show to share her long-time passion for Ayurvedic practice and takes listeners on a fascinating and informative journey to get their feet wet when it comes to the different Doshas — types of constitutions — as well as a wealth of tips and tricks to keep yourself and the ones you love in balance.


Talking Points:

* Ayurveda: the science of Life and Self-Healing.

* Regarding self-healing: we are each unique.

* Teaching people to listen to their body’s signals.

* Dr. Vasant Lad: getting to the heart of the patient.

* It’s the simple daily practices we do that determine our overall health.

* Why I do what I do — help people find balance so that they can fulfill their passion and purpose in life!

* Global healing — as we take care of nature, we take care of ourselves, and as we take care of ourselves, we take care of nature. We are all connected.


Key Takeaways:

[1:02] Sachin welcomes listeners to today’s episode! He introduces his guest, Sarah Kruse, an Ayurvedic practitioner, and asks her how she got into this kind of practice in the first place.


[4:39] Sarah shares the definition of Ayurveda — science, and wisdom. She also contrasts functional and allopathic medicines and Ayurvedic medicine.


[6:34] So when technology and labs aren’t part of the process, what should a patient expect in terms of finding answers? Sarah explains the Darshana process as well as a few other techniques including Nadi Pariksha


[8:56] Sarah talks about the tools she’s integrated — be they from Allopathic or functional medicine — into her practice at the behest of her teacher and mentor.


[11:00] Sachin is a Pitta; Sarah explains what the different Doshas are and explains how Ayurveda would speak to a patient like Sachin (as well as his wife, Dipa who is primarily Vatha.)


[17:56] Pitta and hair loss! Sarah and Sachin talk about finding balance in their Doshas, from food to fragrances; they touch on the ways a Pitta can modulate their stronger traits.


[24:01] Dark circles or puffiness around the eyes may be an indication that a few systems require attention, Sarah talks about all the things these eye markers may indicate.


[25:44] The Kapha constitution is composed of water and earth elements, Sarah explains the broader Kapha traits and some of the most important things they should favor.


[27:56] The best way to assess your Dosha — which will usually be a mix of two with dominant traits — is to see a practitioner. Sarah recommends Banyan Botanicals for an efficient quiz to get some Dosha insight.


[29:06] Sarah talks about her first breakthrough moments with Ayurveda.


[30:35] Ayurveda goes beyond just fixing problems, it is a practice that helps optimize life at a broader scale.


[32:26] Can there be any kind of neutral meals or activities that couples or families can enjoy to find balance? Sarah shares her tips for balancing out multiple constitutions.


[35:45] Sarah shares some good grounding habits for couples to have and shares some tips on the love languages for the three Doshas.


[37:44] Sarah talks about her favorite case study, what she learned and what the outcome was for the patient. She also touches on why there is resistance to adopting Ayurveda in the West and how the two practices complement each other.


[42:08] Functional medicine usually prioritizes the G.I. System whereas Ayurveda seems to prioritize all of them. Sarah explains the concept of Agni and how Ayurveda sees the digestive fire.


[43:13] Ayurveda and fasting; Sarah is adamant that fasting style will vary according to constitution, but that full water fasting is a rare occurrence. She talks about short juice fasts.


[45:37] Pittas, Vathas, and tomatoes! The nightshade family can be tricky for all Doshas, Sarah shares her tips for enjoying tomatoes without the potential downsides.


[47:04] Sarah shares how people can work with her and what people should expect in working with her.


[48:09] Sachin thanks Sarah for coming on the show and sharing so much of her experience, and signs off until the next episode.


Mentioned in this episode

Perfect Practice Live

Banyan Botanicals Dosha Quiz

Dr. Vasant Lad


More about today’s guest Sarah Kruse

Sarah Kruse, Ayurvedic Practitioner

Located in: Cannon Beach, Oregon, USA


As an Ayurvedic Practitioner, I assist clients in returning to their true nature through the principles we apply in Ayurvedic Consultations and Ayurvedic Health Coaching programs.


I have chosen to work in the field of Ayurveda for the purpose of bringing healing and awareness to people’s lives so that they can realize their unique life paths and contribute their gifts to the world we live in.


It is my intention to encourage the integration of all health care systems and wisdom traditions for the benefit of all.


I am a graduate of The Ayurvedic Institute in New Mexico, where I studied under Dr. Vasant Lad, and have traveled extensively throughout India, studying with renowned Ayurvedic doctors and scholars. I have been practicing Ayurveda since 1999.


My other great joy in life is caring for my daughter, Amulya. She continues to teach me about unconditional love, playfulness, patience, and being fully present. What a gift!


Find out more about Sarah on her Instagram, Facebook, and website.


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Books by Sachin Patel:

Perfect Practice: How to Build a Successful Functional Medical Business, Attract Your Ideal Patients, Serve Your Community and Get Paid What You’re Worth

The Motivation Molecule: The Biological Secrets To Eliminate Procrastination, Skyrocket Productivity, and Get Sh!t Done