Cole Kirschner, CEO of Age-Rate comes on the show to discuss an innovative new test to measure chronological versus biological age that he and a research team at McMaster University have developed.


Key Takeaways:

[1:02] Sachin welcomes listeners to today’s episode! He introduces his guest, Cole Kirschner, and asks him how someone seemingly this young got involved in longevity.


[4:48] Cole touches on the real benefits of knowing your biological age. He shares the comprehensive metric he and his team built to make this data more accessible.


[6:04] Cole shares a working definition of genetics and epigenetics as well as the number of methylation points his company is currently looking at.


[8:42] Getting tested is simple and easy, Cole walks us through the process from ordering the kit to receiving your results.


[11:16] Doing this type of work leads to some interesting Aha! moments, Cole shares some of the more powerful ones he came across.


[13:39] Benchmarking and baselining is part and parcel of how this project works, so tracking your progress is baked into the product.


[14:31] Cole shares his view on security and the importance his company places on anonymity.


[16:07] The role this type of process and data can have in the future of insurance companies.


[18:52] When it comes to methylation, there are very few short-term fluctuations, so you get a stable picture through time, as opposed to blood tests which can vary wildly during a single day. Cole explains the frequency at which people should run these types of tests.


[21:00] Cole offers a definition of biological and chronological age as well as the main differences.


[22:11] Cole shares the top five things he has seen make a difference in the aging process.


[24:53] Aside from the obvious culprits, there were some surprising accelerants of aging in Cole’s research. The pandemic effect is also likely to provide interesting pre and post datasets.


[30:00] Measuring diet quality is an interesting aspect of the service provided by Cole’s company; he shares how there is a clear difference between vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, and carnivore diets.


[33:07] How can you get tested? follow this direct link: and use the promo code “Sachin” at checkout.


[34:12] There are other tests that have attempted to measure the speed of aging; how does Age-Rate compare?


[35:25] Sachin thanks Cole for coming on the show and sharing his experience and amazing product, and signs off until the next episode.


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More about today’s guest Cole Kirschner


Find out more about Cole Kirschner on his LinkedIn.


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Books by Sachin Patel:

Perfect Practice: How to Build a Successful Functional Medical Business, Attract Your Ideal Patients, Serve Your Community and Get Paid What You’re Worth

The Motivation Molecule: The Biological Secrets To Eliminate Procrastination, Skyrocket Productivity, and Get Sh!t Done