Join me in reading Chapter Two of Anne of Green Gables today, to find out what happens when shy, woman-fearing Matthew Cuthbert arrives at the Bright River train station to pick up an orphan boy, and instead finds a strange little red-haired, fast-talking, eternally optimistic girl named Anne.

Chapter reading: 0:15 - 24:38

Reflections on the chapter: 24:44 - 30:02

To join the free, live virtual book club meeting on April 1, from 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. EST, sign up for the Perennials Book Club mailing list to have information sent to you.

I'd love to hear whether you're more of a listener like Matthew, or a talker like Anne; whether you ever anthropomorphized objects as a child like Anne does (I know I did!); and of course, the eternal question: "'Which would you rather be if you had the choice—divinely beautiful or dazzlingly clever or angelically good?'”