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In our Christian churches today we often extol the virtues of "friendship evangelism". But does the low-key, latte-sipping, long-term approach really do justice to the gospel? Aaron Edwards joins Andy and Kristi to help us navigate between awkwardness, courage, sincerity, fear, and initiative in our relationships with others.

Aaron Edwards is the MA Programme Lead and lectures in Mission, Theology and Preaching at Cliff College. He has specific interests in the theological work of Kierkegaard, Barth, Bonhoeffer, the Reformers, and the Great Awakeners. Additionally, having studied English Literature at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, and has been an editorial and administrative assistant for the acclaimed Irish poet, Micheal O’Siadhail. He has an enthusiasm for literary, philosophical, and popular culture, and is keen to find ways of maintaining rigorous faithfulness to the Gospel in the midst of the present moment. He has been a guest on various religious radio programmes and alongside his academic work he writes regularly for a number of church/mission-focused publications.

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