Last May 7 and 8, Tanur attended Hive 35 – a leadership and life design workshop in Austin, Texas, alongside 60 other global leaders who devoted their attention to getting super clear on why they are alive. They were led by PoP’s last guest, Chairman of Hive itself, Ryan Allis.

In this PoP’s special episode, Tanur as the CEO of KC Pro Homebuyers, a real estate company, was given the opportunity to share his reflections and learnings about the workshop to his team. Together with KC Pro Homebuyer’s leadership team Phil, Bobby, Arjay, and Gaina, he answered their questions about purpose, as well as giving his top takeaways.


Get to know more about KC Pro Homebuyers: ⬇️

KC Pro Homebuyers

These are the other key 🔑 points you should look for in this episode:

The Hive35 experience and the one-page life plan The first step to get his vision grounded and started upon Tanur’s advice to someone who is seeking to establish a purpose in mind How to break down manageable steps and hold yourself accountable for pushing forward toward that dream His top reflections from the Hive35 workshop


Links in this episode:



➡️ Interested to join the next Hive workshop? Check out what Hive is all about and their upcoming workshop schedules at

➡️ Want to know more about KC Pro Homebuyers? Check them out on their Facebook Page at KC Pro Homebuyers.

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