Paul Mayer is one of the best Submersible Pilots in the world.  He has over 2,000 dives under his belt, which in layman's terms means that less than 10 people who have ever lived on this planet have dived more than him . He has worked piloting subs for the philanthropist and co-founder of Microsoft Paul Allen.  He was part of the team who found the World War Two Cruiser U.S.S. Indianapolis in 2017 which people have been trying to find for decades.  He dives at the Chattanooga Aquarium volunteering his time to clean the tanks and feed the fish.  And when he is not being filmed for documentaries, he likes to fiddle in his shop and hang out with his two pet goats Bert and ernie.  This is a long one folks. Paul is very humble, and this 3 hour conversation is just the tip of the iceberg.  I hope you enjoy the following conversation, with the one and only Paul Mayer.