Nelson Johnston is our youngest guest to date at only 24 years old, but don’t let his age fool you.  He is in a league of his own when it comes to working hard. He has quite the  unconventional success story.  He self-describes himself during the podcast as “spoiled rotten.” While attending Mccallie private high school he assumed he would finish high school go to college and become a Dr or Lawyer, but at 16 years old he convinced a mechanic to give him a job and he discovered manual labor for the first time.  It was hard work and he loved it.  Something in him came alive.  He found creative ways to get the older guys at work to teach him how to fix more and more complex things.  These relationships developed into mentors and he was hooked on working with his hands.  He canceled plans to go to college, and after graduating high school became obsessed with welding and fabrication.  Eventually he almost lost his leg due to infection from over working and is missing his pinkie toe to prove it.  Now he has started his own custom fabrication business and is the ultimate example of what you can accomplish when passion, and drive converge along with mentorship and some good old never quit attitude. This is Nelson Johnston of Thorough Built LLC.