The original interview with Jeff that was lost by my phone-recording service, iOS TapeACall Pro, and just recovered today (so thankfully, it is back to being flawless, and kudos to them for the customer service). This was recorded May 23, a week before the second one. It is surprisingly complementary--not nearly as redundant as you might think. Thank you to Jeff and Julie for the patience through this process.

Description from the May 28th interview:


A conversation with Jeff Kurzon, congressional Berniecrat candidate (Democrat) running in NY-7, which includes parts of Booklyn, Queens, and Manhattan. It is one of the more diverse districts in the state. This is the second time Jeff is running for this position, against the same incumbent. Last time he tried to "play the game" with aggressive fundraising. He raised around $100,000, compared to his opponent's $750,000. That's 13% of the funds, and he won 20% of the vote: 1800 people. 96% of his district didn't vote.

This time, for the 2016 campaign, Jeff is not accepting fundraising at all. He's only using $5000 of his personal funds. He's not actively fundraising, he is out talking with and listening to his constituents. He didn't send out paid staff to collect signatures on his behalf (to get on the ballot), he and enthusiastic volunteers are personally collecting them. Real relationships.

The people of NY-7 need to open their eyes to Jeff Kurzon. He needs your vote and your time, and NY-7--and all of us--deserve to have a Congress filled with people like him. Jeff is serving and listening to the people, not the big donors.

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