If we want the culture around us to change, we need to start by taking a good hard look at ourselves. We can’t expect others to look inward and make changes to improve the culture at work or at home if we aren’t doing it too. Figuring out where and how to make personal growth is a scary thing, but we all have the potential for it and the benefits are countless.

Dr. Ann Vertel is so many things it’s hard to know where to start. She’s a psychologist, she repels out of helicopters and had been an officer in the Navy for 20 years specializing in executive leadership training and military protocol. With her expert understanding when it comes to personal growth and successful mindsets, she is now helping entrepreneurs and professionals fine-tune their personal vision and find pathways to success that are all their own.

Ann shares some of what’s given her a unique perspective on leadership in this interview. After a career in the military, she knows a thing or two about this topic, but it’s different from what many might assume. Ann also gives some great tips on identifying company culture and setting goals to improve it for everyone.

Throughout this chat, Ann tells us how we can be great leaders within an organization so that we can impact the culture of those around us in a positive way. As she explains, much of this comes from making caring for yourself a priority so that you can show up as your best self when it’s time to lead.

What does personal development mean to you? How can it help those around us? Leave a comment on the episode page and let me know!

In this episode: What professionals can do to bring out the very best in themselves as a person and as a leader Ann’s experience as a naval officer and how it has given her perspective on our work culture The big difference between personal leadership and personal development and why it matters The one skill that everyone secretly wants that anyone can learn Signs of toxicity in an organization and how to recognize them Why you should always arrive for a meeting ten minutes early Quotes:

“A lot of people think that personal growth is something you do in your spare time, what you do in your off-hours so that you can then bring it to the real world. The truth is that personal development is something that should happen all the time.” [7:54]

“Leadership is influence. It’s about getting the best out of your people; bringing out their best so that they want to move forward themselves and therefore move the organization forward.” [14:09]

“I think there are people who are naturally charismatic, but that doesn’t make them a good leader. Leadership is a skill and anyone can learn it if they’re open to change.” [18:28]

“Real personal leadership is leading yourself first so that you’re fully and 100% present for the people who really need you to lead them.” [32:52]

“Real leadership is about connection. It’s not about impressing people, it’s about connecting with them.”  [37:39]


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