On this week's episode of the Pennsylvania Woodsman we chat with Chris Heskett.  Chris is a PA native that specializes in physical fitness and nutrition.  Chris is also an avid hunter that strives to fill his freezer every season with quality meat for he and his family. Mitch and Chris discuss how maximizing your physical health has many benefits in the field during the fall season.

Men are extremely guilty of being a "know-it-all" or DIY for just about anything.  The reality is with anything in life, we all have strengths and weaknesses.  If you're a plumber, you may be able to turn a wrench but it may not make you a mechanic.  In Mitch's case, he may have played sports and followed programs in the past, but that doesn't make him an expert in physical fitness.  Getting help from a professional like Chris can help anyone reach their physical fitness goals.  Mitch and Chris discuss workouts, off season and in season health, eating habits and wild game, and catering a plan that fits with your goals and lifestyle.  Be sure to check Chris's podcast the Wild Nutrition Podcast wherever you get your podcasts!

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