Most deer hunters impatiently wait for the first week of November.  Now that it's here, are you ready?  Have you formulated a game plan to capitalize?  Was the work you did to prepare in the off season enough?  This week on the Pennsylvania Woodsman, Mitch is joined by Jon Teater from Whitetail Landscapes.  Jon is a professional whitetail hunting property consultant, avid deer hunter, and the host of the Maximize Your Hunt Podcast on Sportsmen's Empire.

We begin by discussing some key components of what it takes to design hunting properties efficiently.  We touch on topics including when is the right time to harvest doe, and how do you deal with fence sitters?  Then of course, we discuss being as efficient as possible during the off season as well as during the hunting season.  Jon shares what the rut looks like for him this season and how you may be able to capitalize during the rut.  Jon is a fascinating person who has a mountain of knowledge, for more, be sure to check out his podcast!

Check out the Sportsmen's Empire Podcast Network for more awesome content!