If you talk with 5 different food plotters, you'll likely hear 5 different recommendations for seed blends.  Like the truck we drive or the bow we shoot, many are just as passionate about their food plots.  It can be extremely difficult to determine what seed blend fits your hunting property and scenario, when 5 different experts may disagree with each other.  The reality is, there are so many variables to consider when choosing a food plot that it's rarely ever "wrong".

On this week's episode of the Pennsylvania Woodsman, we talk with Mike Lindahl from Domain Outdoors.  If you visit Domain's website, you'll notice an abnormal amount of different seed blends.  Each blend is designed for a slightly different purpose and scenario.  Mike shares his knowledge from getting started developing seed blends, choosing plant varieties that are favored throughout the whitetail's range, and then customizing for different property goals and objectives.  Mike shares 3 different property scenarios he is working with and how the food plots look slightly different from farm to farm.  Each plan is designed to cater towards Mike's hunting goals and the property's hunting strengths and/or weaknesses.  One thing Mike emphasizes is that it's perfectly adequate to tinker with a variety of blends on one farm in order to learn and fine tune for future hunting seasons.  If you're planning your food plots for 2023 currently, don't finalize before you listen to this episode!

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