Typically after the end of firearms season, the majority of deer hunters have packed it up until next year. Those that pursue whitetails after Christmas with a bow or flintlock muzzleloader generally have less hunting pressure to deal with if you're able to endure the elements.  However, the herd that remains at this time of year is typically on edge; not to mention the landscape is barren providing less cover to conceal hunter movements.  Deer have been pushed into hiding spots that can seem to be like a dark hole at this time of year.  Finding these pockets can be a challenge.

This week on the Pennsylvania Woodsmen we chat with Alex Krzywulak from the In The Presence YouTube channel.  Alex is a public land hunting fanatic that seems to get it done anywhere you put him.  However, this does not come without the hard work he puts in to prepare for hunting season by scouting.  Even though late season can isolate deer making them hard to find, he is not afraid to get aggressive during morning and evening hunts this time of year.  In order for this to be successful, he casts a large net, meaning he does not rely only on a few spots to capitalize.  He feels scouting a larger area early allows more places to check this time of year to A) find deer in the first place and B) have options to fall back on if he messes a spot up during his aggressive approach.  There is still time to fill a tag and Alex is no stranger to doing so this time of year, good luck!