Ever since meeting Derek I've been fascinated by his lifestyle and willingness to explore, discover and continually reinvent himself.

As a comic book creator, father, photographer, traveler, bodybuilder... there's just so many different interesting angles and I always love keeping up to hear what Derek has been up to recently.

6:07 - Derek catches us up on what's been going on since the last time we talked when he had just left on a road trip to 'be more one with nature'

14:10 - Travelling through Death Valley and rescuing someone from a burning truck

16:44 - Earning an income while on the road and being 'irresponsible' while having the trip of a lifetime

18:40 - How traveling together can test and grow your relationship

20:18 - Making money with Pokemon Go and how that experience taught him that money isn't everything, and how Derek is making money now on Craigslist

27:02 - What happened after the trip, and how Derek is finding creative fulfillment through Photography after so many years spent working as a comic book creator

36:25 - As someone who was interested in and working on comics before, and knowing what you know now, what would you tell your former self about comic books specifically?

41:10 - Advice to wannabe comic creators

43:57 - Pivoting and creating new creative projects to stay inspired