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“You don’t need a publisher now to be successful. You don’t need the ‘gatekeepers’ any more. You don’t need to worry about the ‘gatekeepers’ any more. ” ~ Michael Dolce

Want to know how to break into comics?

Whether you’ve always wanted to write a graphic novel or illustrate pages for Marvel, DC or any other publishing house, this week’s podcast with Michael Dolce, creator of The Sire, has got the blueprint you need to get your project off the ground.

Having successfully launched numerous titles on Kickstarter and worked with a team of fellow artists over the years, he’s got plenty of experience in the industry and advice to share.

He’s been through all the highs and lows of breaking into the comics industry, from reaching out to publishers and handling rejection through to fine-tuning your passion project and seeing it sell in droves.

And now, in this revealing and insightful interview, he’s sharing his own action plan for success with you.

You’ll learn how he developed the concepts behind his comics and networked with other artists to help bring his projects, such as The Sire, Descendant and many other titles, to life.

And, you’ll also discover how to market yourself as an artist and attract a large following for your work by making sure your art gets seen by the right people.

Highlights From This Interview:

How to self-publish your comics through funding campaigns on Kickstarter and Patreon
Why it’s so important to make others aware of what you’re working on as an artist
Why networking is such a huge factor in developing your career as an artist
The realities of creating your own comic book and successfully launching your project
Why it’s so important to see your art career as a business and think like an entrepreneur
How to handle rejection and keep ploughing on regardless
Why Mike’s radio show and podcast, Secrets of The Sire, now attracts major-league guests
How to find other artists to work with...even if you have no connections