Full Show Notes at: https://www.pencilkings.com/podcast-home/

When Darren Yeow created the Nomad Art Satchel a few years ago, he wanted to create a super-useful tool for artists with one aim in mind - to encourage creativity and help artists everywhere capture their ideas.

Now, after the huge success of this product on Kickstarter, he's back with a brand new brand and a product which takes the design of the Nomad to an exciting new level for artists - the Etchr Lab Multi-purpose Satchel.

In this interview, you'll hear about the fascinating design process behind this new product, and how Darren and Simon invited feedback from working artists to create something which truly met their needs.
You'll learn why collaboration is key, and why the best people to work with might be easier to reach than you think.

And, if you've ever wanted to develop and launch your own product (but don't know where to start), you'll get some invaluable insights on doing this from listening to Darren and Simon's experiences.

Interview Chapters


Introduction and Overview

Your host, Mitch Bowler, introduces today's guests, Darren Yeow, creator of the Nomad satchel, and his business partner, finance expert Simon Frisby.

In this chapter, you'll hear why they decided to take the revolutionary design aspects of the Nomad and evolve these into an exciting new product which is set to become an indispensable tool for all artists.


Why did Darren Decide to Collaborate on This New Product?

When Darren launched the Nomad Art Satchel a few years ago, he was working as a one-man band looking after everything from marketing to raising financial backing for his product via Kickstarter.

Now, he's teamed up with Simon and other experts to form a new company, Etchr Lab, which promises to deliver a wide range of cutting-edge products into the lives of artists.

So why did he decide to work with others on this new project...and how has this led to a new, improved product?


How Can You go About Launching Your Own Great Idea?

Got a great idea of your own...but don't know how to get started on developing this into a successful product?

In this chapter, you'll hear about the benefits of networking with others in your niche...and why listening carefully to the advice of others can ultimately help you create the most effective business plan and product.


What Should You Look For in Potential Collaborators?

Choosing people to collaborate with can sometimes be tricky. After all, you've got to be sure they share your passion and vision for your ideas.

In this chapter, you'll hear about how Darren and Simon met, and why a series of shopping trips helped them decide that collaborating was a very good idea!


It's Been 3 Years Since the Nomad Satchel Was Launched. What's Been Happening Since?

Darren launched his Nomad art satchel three years ago. So what's he been up to in the meantime...and why did he decide that now was the right time to launch a new product?

In this chapter, you'll also learn about the importance of marketing your product, and how to take full advantage of tools such as social media to help promote your big idea and generate a buzz around it.


What Happened When Darren Devoted All His Time to His Product?

Like many artists and creators, Darren had to take on freelance work in the beginning to pay the bills while he developed his new idea.

But what happened when he was able to devote all his time and energy to this one project?


How Can You Work Effectively With Other People?

The success of a collaborative project often revolves around your relationship with the other members of your team. But how do you learn to hand over tasks to others and listen to their input?

In this chapter, you'll get some invaluable insights into teamwork, and why learning how to listen can be one of the most important factors behind success.


How do You Find Business Contacts as well as Creative Contacts?

As artists, most of us have got creative friends who we can work with and bounce ideas off of. But how do you find the business-minded people to help turn your dreams into reality?

In this chapter, you'll learn about networking...and why personal recommendations can often be much more effective than searching for potential contacts online.


Where to Find Darren and Etchr Lab Online

Want to find out more about Etchr Lab and their exciting new products for artists? You'll find everything you need in this chapter, including some great advice on the realities of developing a product based on Darren's real-life experiences.



Mitch wraps up today's interview and Darren lets you know how to get behind his new product launch on Kickstarter and take advantage of some great early-bird deals.