Full show notes at: https://www.pencilkings.com/podcast/

What happens if you give up everything and take your creative show on the road?

That's what Derek Rodenbeck has done, and we catch up with him again to see what he's learned in the past 5 months of travelling city to city and often living out in nature in a tent with his girlfriend and their two huge dogs.

Interview Chapters:


Introduction and Overview

Your host, Mitch Bowler, introduces today's guest, Derek Rodenbeck, who talks about his epic journey so far and where he's planning on travelling to next.


How has Travelling Changed Derek's Outlook and his Creativity?

It's impossible to travel to incredible places without them having a profound effect upon your outlook and your creativity. How has travelling helped Derek find inspiration, and how has this changed his approach to being creative?


Why is it so Important to Enjoy What You do as a Creative Person?

Although his background is in comic books, Derek has discovered a new passion for photography while being out on the road. And, for him, this is where he feels his creative interests really lie right now. So, how did he come to this conclusion...and why is it only worth doing something if you truly enjoy it?


Why Isn't Derek Thinking About Career Options Right Now?

Although he's now become a keen photographer, Derek isn't doing this with a view to having a career behind the lens. So what's really motivating him...and why has he decided to stop worrying about making money for the moment?


How Does Derek Find The Strength to Take Risks?

Many of us dream of just packing everything away and going travelling for months, but the fear of paying bills or losing our careers often holds us back. So how does Derek find the strength to give it all up and set out on the open road?


What are the big Lesson Derek's Learned From Travelling?

Travelling can have a major impact on your life, with some often unexpected lessons to learn from the experience. So what are the big lessons Derek's learned while being on the road?


How has Travelling Changed Derek as a Person?

The Derek we used to know was always a busy man, hustling his way from one art project to another without pausing to take a breath. Whereas, the Derek we're speaking to now has a new sense of calm about him and a much more relaxed approach to life. Has travelling brought about this change...or was it a direction he was headed in already?


What's Been the Biggest Change to Derek as a Creative Person?

Previously, Derek used to draw for hours on end as he worked on all kinds of projects from comic books to game cards...but where is he at right now? In this chapter, he explains what inspires him creatively about travelling...and why it's always worth exploring as many different options as you want.


What Happens When Derek's Travelling Comes to an End?

Travelling is great, but most of us don't get to roam the world forever. What happens when it's time to return to regular life...and is Derek worried about what happens next?


Conclusion and Where to Find Derek Online

If you want to find out more about Derek's adventures, this chapter will give you the information you need. You'll also hear about what's been happening in the Pencil Kings community and why we're so grateful for everyone's support with our podcasts so far.