Ever have the feeling when you are staring at a blank piece of paper that you're not sure what to draw? Clark Huggins had this same problem. He found he was spending extra time and putting extra pressure on himself before he ever put his brush to the canvas - and he realized that all he wanted to be doing was making art.

To get around this he took out some index cards and wrote down different ideas and then shuffled the deck. He then chose 3 cards at random and went to work - leaving chance to decide what he was going to create.

What he found was that this process allowed him to jump immediately into the creation process and also to tap into truly new and unique ideas by combining elements that he would never have chosen on his own.

This discovery led to the creation of the Reckless Deck, where artists can use the exact same process Clark used to come up with new and unique creations.

The Reckless Deck is just about to go live on Kickstarter so you can pick up a deck for yourself and get busy creating your own unique creations.

Interview Chapters:

00:37 - 02:29


Mitch introduces today's guest, Clark Huggins, who gives you a quick overview of what Reckless Deck is all about...and how you can use it to help unlock your creativity.

02:53 - 04:31

Why is Reckless Deck Such a Useful Tool for Artists?

Clark has taken Reckless Deck to comic conventions and other events across the US. What's the response been like from the public and how are artists using it to help them create original characters?

05:20 - 05:50

How can a Humble Deck of Cards Boost Your Creativity?

Why does Reckless Deck help you come up with character ideas so quickly? Clark explains the thinking behind his product in this chapter.

05:58 - 09:37

Where did the Idea to Make Reckless Deck Come From?

The idea of Reckless Deck came about through Clark's own experiences as an artist and his desire to start working on a new character as quickly as possible. Find out how this project came to life in this chapter.

09:49 - 13:23

What was the First Character Clark Created Using Reckless Deck?

Clark can still remember the first character he created using Reckless Deck. In fact, it's one he's revisited many times since! Find out more in this chapter.

13:33 - 20:01

How did Clark Start Developing His Idea?

Reckless Deck began life as a set of index cards Clark made for himself. So how did he develop this idea into a fully-fledged product that people can buy online? You'll discover all the hard work that went into Clark's idea (and how long this process took) in this chapter.

20:33 - 21:35

Why Should you Hire a Graphic Designer to Help With Packaging Your Product?

Many artists take it upon themselves to do all the graphic design work on their projects, but this doesn't always give you the professional look you want for a product and its packaging.

In this chapter, you'll learn why Clark - despite being fluent in using Photoshop - decided to hand his logo and packaging design over to a specialist.

22:07 - 23:08

How did Clark Find the Right Printing Company to Produce Reckless Deck

Finding the right printer at the right cost can sometimes be difficult. In this chapter, you'll hear why Clark chose to use a company in China, and why he was overjoyed with the results - especially when an unexpected issue actually added another feature to his project!

24:03 - 32:30

How did Clark Turn a Kickstarter Fail Into a Win?

Clark didn't have an overnight success when he first tried to launch Reckless Deck on Kickstarter. In fact, he had to go back to the drawing board to find out what makes a project successful and get noticed on this site. Find out how he learned from his mistakes and eventually got successfully funded in this chapter.

33:05 - 34:55

How Can You be The First to Hear About New Reckless Deck Products And Offers?

If you're excited by Reckless Deck and want to find out more about new releases and special offers, this is one part of the interview you won't want to miss.

35:48 - 36:57

What is it Really Like to Launch a Product Like Reckless Deck?

It's easy to listen to Clark talking and imagine the whole process behind making and launching Reckless Deck as being super-easy. But it wasn't. Discover the reality and hard work behind launching any new product successfully in this chapter.

37:45 - 39:00

How Can Reckless Deck Help You as an Artist?

Reckless Deck has already helped many concept and fantasy artists get past creative block and searching for ideas. Find out how it can help you too in this chapter.

39:01 - 42:37

Find Our About Special Offers and Swag for Pencil Kings Listeners

There are some exciting offers in the bag for anyone who's interested in finding out more about Pencil Kings and Reckless Deck. Find out how you can get your hands on some cool free stuff and special offers in this chapter.

42:39 - 44:00


Mitch and Clark wrap up their interview and reveal some more exciting things about Reckless Deck.

Shownotes & more info at: https://www.pencilkings.com/podcast/