Are you a creative introvert? Today we look at how this affects you in social settings, and then go deep on what this means to your art and how you can work around any limitations that you might have.

This is a very fascinating conversation that goes into the experiences that Cat and Mitch have both had with working with creative people to uncover the things that are holding you back.

00:00 - 01:18: Introduction

Cat Rose explains the idea behind and how she drew on her own experiences as a creative introvert to help others.

01:19 - 03:23: Which Mindset Issues Make You a Creative Introvert?

Cat reveals the roadblocks she faced when she decided to swap her career as a web designer for a freelance career as an illustrator. Are you a creative introvert, too? Then you'll probably recognize many of the issues she talks about.

05:03 - 05:44: How can you Become More Aware of Your Energy Levels When Networking and Promoting Your art?

As an artist, you'll probably already know when the best times to work are. But what about the business side of promoting yourself to others? In this part of the interview, you'll learn how to get stuff done...without burning out.

05:48 - 09:04: What Were Cat's First 6 Months as a Freelance Illustrator Like?

Cat didn't find the going was easy when she decided to become a freelance illustrator. In this section, she gives her honest advice to anyone thinking of going down this route...and how to diversify and adapt if things don't quite go to plan.

10:40 - 11:30: The Tough Medicine You Might Have to Swallow as a Creative

After a while, Cat decided to concentrate on her site instead of being an illustrator. Find out why this part of her interview.

11:32 - 13:40: What has Cat Learned Since Starting her Site?

Cat has had lots of insight into being a creative introvert since starting her site, including a deeper understanding of 'Imposter Syndrome' and why even famous people such as actor, Tom Hanks, lack confidence sometimes.

13:50 - 17:45: How can you Become More Confident?

Ever heard the phrase 'Fake it till you make it'? In this part, Cat reveals why this expression makes her cringe, and reveals some super-actionable steps you can take right now to start building your confidence instead.

19:00 - 22:19: It's all About the Baby Steps

Sometimes, having that big vision or dream of becoming a successful artist or creative can seem overwhelming. Here, Cat reveals why taking small, baby steps can help you get closer to your goal.

22:20 - 34:53: The Key Steps you can Take Today

How does Cat help people who join her site? In this part, she reveals the key steps you can take as a creative introvert.

34:55 - 44:33: Cat's 'A-ha!' Moments

Cat has experienced many lightbulb moments since starting her site. Here' she reveals what these were.

44:44 - 46:54: Are you a Creative Introvert? Where to Find Cat Online

In this concluding part of her interview, Cat tells you where you can find her online and start taking action on whatever's holding you back as an artist and creative introvert.