We recalled and recited Hokkien poems we learned as children. We also learned some new ones from this website:


Guests: Lam Mun A Tsi, Eng Kok Tiong, Oo Ti Tu, Tau Gee, Liang Kang Kang, Hau Tiaunn A Long, Tsham Peng, Ba Le Ko, Bo Moo Peh, Too Hueh, Tsha Bi Hun, Tsioh Sai, Tshau Tau, Ki Kuan Tsheng, Siau Po, Tua Moo Koo, E A Po, & A Tsiu.

Join our tuition class on Hokkien Romanisation on Clubhouse. You can use the link below to skip the waitlist and get into Clubhouse immediately. The class is on July 3. 10 am.




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