We have a special guest whose family ran a popular bah-kut-têe business, Seng Kee, for decades. Ang Tsi Tsi is here to share the recipe and cooking method. Do you like Singaporean-style bah-kut-têe?

Guests: Ang Tsi Tsi, Oo Ti Tu, Bo Moo Peh, Leng Thau Moo, Puann Kiam Tinn, Be Sai Kong, Asam Laksa, Eng Kok Tiong, Nam Sai, Jagung, Tau Gee, Tsioh Sai, Si Bak Kau, Phah Lin Tau, A Han, Hau Tiaunn A Long, Wiwi Wawa, Kiam Suinn Tinn, Kha Thsuinn Tiann, Ki Kuan Tsheng, & Moo Moo Gu.



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