About Neal:
Neal Bawa is a technologist who is universally known in the real estate circles as the Mad Scientist of Multifamily. Besides being one of the most in-demand speakers in commercial real estate, Neal is a data guru, a process freak, and an outsourcing expert.
Neal treats his $345+ million-dollar multifamily portfolio as an ongoing experiment in efficiency and optimization. The Mad Scientist lives by two mantras. His first mantra is that: We can only manage what we can measure. His second mantra is that: Data beats gut feel by a million miles. These mantras and a dozen other disruptive beliefs drive profit for his 400+ investors.
Neal loves public speaking and is an energetic and humorous speaker. He also serves as CEO at Multifamily University, an apartment investing education company. He is a top-rated, in demand presenter at conferences and events across the country. Over 5,000 students attend his multifamily seminar series each year and hundreds attend his Apartment Magic Bootcamps. Tens of thousands listen to his podcast appearances and he has been featured in over 50 top rated podcasts and radio shows. Neal’s asset management and revenue optimization techniques for multifamily are considered unique in the industry.
On Today's Show Neal Discusses
Going into a market
Building teams in new markets
How Neal acquired his first multifamily
Starting Grocapitus
Using syndication for his deals
Multifamily U Education program.
Links From The Podcast
https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbk9ZX0w1bVhpUmN4bGtaN0tLSWVCYTRzU3V4d3xBQ3Jtc0tsNEpMdkhmRlROQ2lRTHE2eEhXOW00Smp1ZUc0dnRpMlc4alU3eHUyM1g1d2lRaDhPeHFOMDJHMnBRb0duRjRzZnA2S19kQkVySTdGNU50Q0JHLUp3RzltTHZCTDI4aWhRSkdNQy1tdkl0X1ViUXl5MA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fgrocapitus.com%2Fneal-bawa%2F (https://grocapitus.com/neal-bawa/)​
https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUY2cWlsWDNsZ0dNYnhnTGgxUlFTVkNLb28zd3xBQ3Jtc0ttTXp5QndZMjZpYzMzVGwyM2U4YnVhbmFhZFNJYXFEdXBMQV9IV3dVNjdQYmlpLUJqU2dCNnZIVHcwNGJpdGl0RTNEOW1SeGpJM2wzMVJHS3ZsRUZjNzNHbUw5a002dFpqa0ZrWHIyOU50cjIxSVVINA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fmultifamilyu.com%2F (https://multifamilyu.com/)​
[email protected]
(408) 290-4136
https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbTBmVHBiS21BTjR6T2ZzRWZvQU12NURtcUZoQXxBQ3Jtc0trN1dpTGdtQ21VcXFEREtkSGYzZW5lS3pSQm9ZRHA1QkEwUV84Z3VtdFZzcnVPMkdxaEJxRkdrb2NpLTZicVVvRHMwTjMxNFFTc2NCdnRaYVNLWjNBN0JiMnAtRVRxQl9XNG5yYlBEV2djbzhjdzltWQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fgroups%2Fmagicofmultifamily (https://www.facebook.com/groups/magic...)​
https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa2g4ejdMRDdVM25pWHVoVG9RQTQ2SWtsZ3dad3xBQ3Jtc0tuZ19QdmtNNUF2ckZXS1ZSVENmY3lqclk1RWE4WXRPcEhHOGpYWkRwbFpkTFNQckxodVpOTkd3M25DRmxfb3VySDZCMG5DeHJzLWdMMlN1d25UX2ZPay10X0ZrUzM4b1ctLVI1WEp2SlZycDJINzM1aw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpeer2peerrealestate.com%2F (https://peer2peerrealestate.com/)​
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@WilliamP2PRE (Twitter)
Thank you Neal Bawa for being on Peer 2 Peer Real Estate Podcast
**Peer 2 Peer Real Estate may be compensated and/or receive an affiliate commission if you buy something through our links, at no extra cost to you.
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​https://www.lendency.com/apply?6rng2=William%20Morales (Lendency Lends)

Please go to Apple Podcasts look for us at Peer 2 Peer Real Estate Podcasts, subscribe and leave a review
Keep the momentum going, Good...

About Neal:

Neal Bawa is a technologist who is universally known in the real estate circles as the Mad Scientist of Multifamily. Besides being one of the most in-demand speakers in commercial real estate, Neal is a data guru, a process freak, and an outsourcing expert.

Neal treats his $345+ million-dollar multifamily portfolio as an ongoing experiment in efficiency and optimization. The Mad Scientist lives by two mantras. His first mantra is that: We can only manage what we can measure. His second mantra is that: Data beats gut feel by a million miles. These mantras and a dozen other disruptive beliefs drive profit for his 400+ investors.

Neal loves public speaking and is an energetic and humorous speaker. He also serves as CEO at Multifamily University, an apartment investing education company. He is a top-rated, in demand presenter at conferences and events across the country. Over 5,000 students attend his multifamily seminar series each year and hundreds attend his Apartment Magic Bootcamps. Tens of thousands listen to his podcast appearances and he has been featured in over 50 top rated podcasts and radio shows. Neal’s asset management and revenue optimization techniques for multifamily are considered unique in the industry.

On Today's Show Neal Discusses

Going into a market Building teams in new marketsHow Neal acquired his first multifamilyStarting GrocapitusUsing syndication for his dealsMultifamily U Education program.

Links From The Podcast

https://grocapitus.com/neal-bawa/https://multifamilyu.com/[email protected](408) 290-4136https://www.facebook.com/groups/magic...https://peer2peerrealestate.com/​www.facebook.com/peer2peerrealestatehttps://www.linkedin.com/in/williemor...​@WilliamP2PRE (Twitter)

Thank you Neal Bawa for being on Peer 2 Peer Real Estate Podcast

**Peer 2 Peer Real Estate may be compensated and/or receive an affiliate commission if you buy something through our links, at no extra cost to you.

Thanks to our Partner Lendency

Loans For Residential Real Estate Investors Friends with a tendency to lend-

Lendency Lends

Please go to Apple Podcasts look for us at Peer 2 Peer Real Estate Podcasts, subscribe and leave a review

Keep the momentum going, Good things will happen.

Thank you and Stay safe.

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