About Jim :
Jim Monk is the President of CLOZZITS. CLOZZITS has developed a program to increase rents 3%-5% while improving the Net Operating Income (NOI) and Asset Value. All without multifamily owners laying out much capital. His goal is to differentiate beyond the normal amenities and tap into a new area of construction development, renovations, and property management.
A conversation with Jim Monk is the opportunity to hear the stories and experiences he’s picked up as a business owner navigating the multifamily industry.
Jim expertly discusses what led to this passion, supporting information and why companies like Katerra, Harbor Group, MMA, and Pinnacle are seeing space optimization as a game-changer in turns, make-readies, and new construction.
Creating more space for residence is more of an issue than most owners think, and Jim is changing how investors, owners, and managers look at the closet, which can provide an immediate rent increase.
On Today's Show Jim Discusses
How the concept of Clozzits came about
Working with Multifamily Units
Approaching Landlords
Trends That Jim looks for
What's next for Clozzits
And much more...

Podcasts Jim Recommends
Reid Hoffman- Masters of scale
The Hustle & Shaan Puri- My first million
Books Jim Recommends
Blitzscaling- Chris Yeh and Reid Hoffman
Traction- Gabriel Weinberg and Justin Mares
Links from the Podcast
https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbXhwMHpramRITHlZaHdyV3c3OVdQdURQYVFwUXxBQ3Jtc0tuZWtRTW5WY18xX2NBNk0wOG9TVW14ME9KQThjSVdPX2tLX1dRYUp1WXZ3eXhxbzVxVTY0bDVocUlvTHY2RmR1NENuQ1JIT0VkX1J3eDJ4cC0xQTNTbmRfblkzR04wSVRCZUlSOHpnNUh4SnJTNy1zUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fclozzits.com%2F (https://clozzits.com/)​
[email protected]
https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqblhTMzBtUzFRRklwTU52NTktQVBIS0YtYlN3QXxBQ3Jtc0ttVmZwU1pVWm12ajRtWVRtMTRpNWRPbUVVV01PczBTMndGYU45STBReTY2X2Vkc2FDcURFTmwtWGVjNFo4OTV4VDB5WlQwUi1JVGJxWlNIVmJJTDVTc1RPNkEybERJSnNYWGRmampucnVFU2tRZG9sTQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fclozzits (https://www.facebook.com/clozzits)​
https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa19rbm1xbEd1YnVrWkpDbjBjUG85WVVIcUFjZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsLTZTbWFQcFNiMGtWNDUtZTF5WFRaa3hOT0FVUnJoZU1Sc2FXd0hiU05vOFVPRVNvU0xnZjhDSFJickhaTGVNQUNyMVYzQUhXNlg4cVlBRTdHXzBRUzd1R3c2YTBDMk5felVGd0V1TEpFNUxYVDJ6cw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fclozzits.com%2Fcontact%2F (https://clozzits.com/contact/)​
https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbXI3OFNVSUYxTGUtNmpVaUZOUW9nY2xCdzlPQXxBQ3Jtc0tuVnoycEpLY1JxTDNZMGVuMnhpRXA3d1dKNTc2VWQwdDhIYjZTaUMxaUZDWkdjY1lTRl9vUWdQcUxuMjRiQXd1LVdXY3hsVmt0NjhrMk9LVGVtN010clctVjF6OUxrSW9YMDlQLUlfcTVjZXRpM25KZw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpeer2peerrealestate.com%2F (https://peer2peerrealestate.com/)​
https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqazRnbDVZalFHRGFKMTZmbjgwWnJmSVhTenNXQXxBQ3Jtc0trSS0tcGt0anctdTV2Q2hpcmlxOFdoNVdZZktlNG8zRXU5YmR5US1Mb2p6RVRJMUNkeFdTSGdkdVBUWlVoZ002dEljQ0tQNDR3b0R4cThWY09FQkVaLVBmLWx2ejA2ZkhPS1ZzRXMyVF9sUUlxdDUxVQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fin%2Fwilliemorales%2F (https://www.linkedin.com/in/williemor...)​
WilliamP2PRE (Twitter)
https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa2pfS3FHUFI4NDRKZDZYcm9vbXA5UXRJTDhoUXxBQ3Jtc0trV3otVExJZjNwQklMSE83dExXUC1tWXNBckZGdlZ6aHZFX3M0dmVWYlM1aEpBb0ZscUUzMktfeTJMWFVOV1ZieGJHclAwLUMzcmQ0UV9JYk5CRlJwamFrRUtLNU54dnRpc1hPR29SWjR1R2ZTSExEUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftherealdeal.com%2F (https://therealdeal.com/)​...

About Jim :

Jim Monk is the President of CLOZZITS. CLOZZITS has developed a program to increase rents 3%-5% while improving the Net Operating Income (NOI) and Asset Value. All without multifamily owners laying out much capital. His goal is to differentiate beyond the normal amenities and tap into a new area of construction development, renovations, and property management.

A conversation with Jim Monk is the opportunity to hear the stories and experiences he’s picked up as a business owner navigating the multifamily industry.

Jim expertly discusses what led to this passion, supporting information and why companies like Katerra, Harbor Group, MMA, and Pinnacle are seeing space optimization as a game-changer in turns, make-readies, and new construction.

Creating more space for residence is more of an issue than most owners think, and Jim is changing how investors, owners, and managers look at the closet, which can provide an immediate rent increase.

On Today's Show Jim Discusses

How the concept of Clozzits came aboutWorking with Multifamily UnitsApproaching Landlords Trends That Jim looks for What's next for ClozzitsAnd much more...

Podcasts Jim Recommends

Reid Hoffman- Masters of scale The Hustle & Shaan Puri- My first million

Books Jim Recommends

Blitzscaling- Chris Yeh and Reid HoffmanTraction- Gabriel Weinberg and Justin Mares

Links from the Podcast

linkedin.com/in/jimmonkhttps://clozzits.com/[email protected]https://www.facebook.com/clozzitshttps://clozzits.com/contact/https://peer2peerrealestate.com/​www.facebook.com/peer2peerrealestatehttps://www.linkedin.com/in/williemor...​WilliamP2PRE (Twitter)https://therealdeal.com/https://www.redinnyc.com/

Thank you Jim for being on Peer 2 Peer Real Estate Podcast

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