Previous Episode: Quality time and space
Next Episode: Breathe with me

Often I feel we, collectively as humans, forget that we don't always have control.  And in reality, gaining control over a situation, emotion, another person isn't accomplished by demanding it.  Yes, this will work in the short term, but it takes too much energy and effort to sustain.  Gain control is a matter of coordination of the information coming into our bodies from external and well as internal stimuli.  How well are you listening to this information? Does that idea even feel strange or uncomfortable for you?  If so, you are not alone.  This Sparkler Parents episode will have more meaning for you if you have a space to stand up and try out a quick activity.  Yes, this segment is a bit over the 5 minute mark, but I promise, it is worth it in order to obtain a felt sense of when things are coordinated and when things aren't. Enjoy!

If you would like to watch how I learned how uncoordinated my body was when trying to learn how to do a headstand, watch this video.  I learned how to do the headstand by practicing, yes, but more importantly by feeling in my body what I needed to do to create stability.  I used external cues from the environment as well as an internal perception of the stretch and tightness within my muscles. And then over the course of a few months, my mind and body became more connected...more coordinated.