Understanding and proper utilization of QI in healthcare is essential for improved efficiency, safety, patient outcomes and ultimately satisfaction in a clinician's practice, but it can seem like a monumental task. Dr. Thomas Taghon demystifies the concepts of QI and shares how each of us can make it a routine part of our clinical care, that actually works FOR you!

Takeaways In This Episode:

The 6 dimensions of QI and what elements have particularly higher relevance in pain care

How you can standardize care where evidence base does not exist

What considerations must one take into account when setting up QI programs

Tricks to ensure a strong QI practice despite lack of a "fancy database" and high tech resources.

Personnel characteristic important to the success of your QI programs

Running a successful QI program, even if your team doesn’t have specific training in QI methodologies

Right sizing a QI team

Appropriate timing for introduction of QI training for healthcare professionals


Leveraging technology beyond databases for the success of your QI program

Number one and most important reason for you as a clinician to be excited about having a QI program 

Role of value based purchasing in healthcare

Barriers to effective QI programs and how to overcome them.


Quality Improvement-HRSA

Dr. Thomas Taghon

The Institute for Healthcare Improvement

QI Training Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Intermountain Healthcare Delivery

The Institute of Healthcare Improvement

Dayton Children's Hospital Intermediate Quality Improvement training course