We may think we really know the pain we or our patients have, but the pain experience is complex and its treatment can be just as complex, not to mention risky.

Understand and relieve children’s pain effectively and safely in today’s episode as we speak with Dr. Rita Agarwal, a Pediatric Anesthesiologist with an expertise with pediatric acute pain management, regional anesthesia, ambulatory anesthesia and opioid safety.

She shares her in-depth knowledge about pain, the right treatment options and specifically how to navigate treatment when opioids medications are used. She stresses on how and when it is safe and appropriate to use opioids for pediatric pain; including the right prescriptions, usage, storage and disposal of this (and other)substance.

Lastly, she notes that we must develop sensitivity when we speak with people using opioid treatment as it may carry stigma and negative connotations especially with the opioid epidemic in our society and especially because we’re dealing with pediatrics.  We must evaluate and include multidisciplinary treatment options, AND educate our patients and families about safe and appropriate use, storage and disposal of their medication EACH TIME! 

So the next time you treat a child’s pain, as Dr Agarwal said, don’t ever downplay  the role of multimodal treatments, but provide them the necessary education in the use of medications, especially something with a higher risk profile like the opioids. 

Takeaways In This Episode

When is it appropriate to prescribe opioids for pediatric pain. Knowing Opioids; proper prescription, usage, storage, and disposal. Understanding pain; and knowing the appropriate treatment options for specific pain diagnoses. Reducing risk of opioid addiction and misuse. Why it’s imperative to counsel families to keep these medications locked up,away from other members of the family, or potential visitors, even for short courses of opioid analgesics.  What should be included in the discussion adn how a clinician can achieve that efficiently in their practice. How well intentioned friends or family members become the main source of opioid diversion and misuse. Various avenues for Safe disposal methods available in the community Relying on experts for the right treatment plans, when in doubt or feel pushed beyond your comfort.


About Dr. Rita Agarwal Society for Pediatric Pain Medicine AAP Safe Medication Storage/Disposal Poster

AAP Safe Disposal of Unused Medications 

DEA National Take Back Days

CDC Guidelines for Prescribing Opioids

FDA Guidelines on Safe Disposal of Medications

DEA Drug Disposal Information

Proactive Pain Solutions