Nothing accelerates growth more rapidly than adversity and necessity. The coronavirus pandemic has proved to be a catalyst for rapid adoption of virtual visits in healthcare, bringing some challenges with this rapid change. So we take a look at these issues and explore some strategies for HCPs to adapt to the virtual pain care visits and support their patients during the pandemic and beyond.

Takeaways in This Episode

Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on pediatric pain care and elective procedures. Leveraging technology to promote self management for your pediatric pain patients. Telemedicine for virtual clinic visits. Selecting patients who may be suitable for virtual pain care visits. Technology considerations for virtual pain care and other healthcare visits. Dos and Don'ts for conducting seamless virtual pain care visits.


Cultivating Resilience in Times of Stress & Trauma

Resilience Toolkit for HCPs

Improving Access to Pediatric Pain Care via Telemedicine

Self-Management Resource for Patients & Families

Dr. Elliot Krane's article on implementation of telemedicine during COVID-19

American Telehealth Association (ATA)

Proactive Pain Solutions