Have you ever judged yourself even before letting anyone else even have a glimpse at your capabilities? Or talked yourself out of something that later you've felt you could've or should have done. You're not alone! As you'll hear Asha Padmanabhan, MD, FASA discuss how even the most accomplished professionals create labels and barriers for their own progress, often unwillingly and subconsciously.  More importantly, though, she walks you through how to recognize when we do that and how to turn those upside down and shake them out to reveal whether they are a reality or an assumed identity.  She talks about  how NOT to let us get in our own way!

She especially mentions some of the unique challenges faced by the women physicians and healthcare professionals. Despite the increasing numbers of women entering the medical profession, this hasn’t actually translated into more females in leadership roles.


Be the successful and resilient professional (or person) you are meant to be as Dr. Padmanabhan, a Board Certified Anesthesiologist and a physician coach, who has been in leadership roles for many years, joins us to talk about the challenges real or perceived and how to tap into your success potential and thrive!


Takeaways In This Episode:

Her experience and perspective on the challenges of being in a leadership role as a woman How she landed in the leadership role and the experiences in navigating these leadership positions The internal versus external challenges The uniques challenges that women physicians and healthcare professionals face Dr. Padmanabhan talks about the limiting beliefs, where they come from, and what to do with them Getting past the limiting beliefs and getting out of your own way Differentiating limiting beliefs and false bravado Dr. Padmanabhan's experience with coaching and how it had been critical to her own progress through limiting beliefs



Asha Padmanabhan, MD, FASA

Connect with Dr. Padmanabhan

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The Leadership Rx for Women Physicians Podcast 

Work Life with Adam Grant

Clinicians’ Pain Evaluation Toolkit

Proactive Pain Solutions


About the Guest:

Asha Padmanabhan, MD, FASA


Asha Padmanabhan, MD, FASA is a Board Certified Anesthesiologist juggling a full-time clinical career with Administrative responsibilities, while being active in leadership at the State and National levels in anesthesia.

Having been in leadership for over 10 years, she realized that women physicians in leadership or aspiring to be leaders have a unique set of challenges. After years of running workshops and mentoring young women physicians, being coached helped her realize coaching was the very foundation to building skills to achieve career fulfillment and be a resilient leader. 


She is passionate about empowering women physicians to be the leaders they can be, whether it’s with a title or not.She coaches women physicians in leadership development, career transformation and career resilience. She is also an entrepreneur with a thriving side gig in online retail.