In this episode we have a conversation with activist and trafficking abolitionist Abigail Eernisse. Me and Abigail met through an online and in person protest against Mind Geek ,which is the parent company of PornHub, to shut PornHub down. In this episode we have an in depth look and conversation about a lot of myths, facts, and tools to help us move from trendy activism to actually be in the fight against human trafficking. We also talk about what PornHub has to do with this and how the porn industry perpetuates human trafficking. Abigail is a coffee loving, Jesus following, human loving soul and it was a joy to have her on. We hope this conversation encourages and equips you guys!

Resources for this fight:

Abigails instagram: @abigaileernisse
Take this quiz to find your role:
Exodus Cry(lead the Mind Geek protest): |
Book: Paid For: My Journey Through Prostitution by: Rachel Moran
Book: One Women’s Journey From Trafficked to Triumph by Rebecca Bender
Porn specific(women): or
Porn specific(men):
Free PDF on porn:
Talking about pornography when your dating:
Courses for parents navigating reframing a childs culture: