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Tag @michaeltrainer @drmarkhyman #peakmind #brokenbrain with insights garnered on Instagram

5:00 Intro of Mark Hyman

5:26 My why - my dad - and Mark

6:42 Functional Medicine - accelerating the gap - treating the system rather than medicine by symptom, medicine by cause

7:40 Mercury poison and parasites create spiral of disfunction. Move beyond the name it blame it paradigm

9:59 The multiple causes for disease - it’s not one thing its a multitude of things that can go wrong that need to be corrected

10:30 Immune system, gut flora, and the path to total health

11:11 Our body is resilient, eat-move-stress-sleep-environment-toxic burden - most things don’t require a doctor

11:50 Functional medicine operation manual for the body

12:22 Biotransformation and detoxification

13:00 Real food - hormones, sleep, rhythm, connection, purpose, love and the healthy human

13:30 I don’t treat disease I create health

14:07 Dementia - decades before the first symptoms

15:10 Food - “Biggest single discovery is the concept is that food is information. With every bite you alter your genes, you alter your hormones”

16:00 Every bite changes your gut flora

16:30 Upgrading your biological software

17:23 Well over a billion people around the world that are pre-diabetic

18:00 Fallacy of the food pyramid

18:15 Very poor epidemiological data - creating the worst diabetes epidemic in the history of the human race

19:11 Healthy fat

19:55 Power of vested interests against your health

20:55 Statins increase amyloid - first thing I do is take them off statins

21:25 Epileptic diet - high fat ketogenic diet

21:50 MCT oil is a preferred fuel source for the mitochondria and the brain

22:30 Bad fats - trans fat

22:50 Good fats - fish oil, nuts and seeds, avocado

23:!0 Saturated fat and refined vegetable oils

23:38 Breast milk is full of saturated fat and it is good for you

24:04 Breast milk also good for microbiome

24:24 Dangers of bad oils - omega 6 oils increase depression and violence

25:30 Omega 3 vs Omega 6

25:40 Ansel Keys - saturated fat - Minnesota coronary experiment and flawed study

27:00 Evidence that saturated fat can actually be helpful

28:00 “Its not just about calories its about the information” - next time you are taking a bite think about what kind of fuel you are putting in your body

28:50 Mark Hyman’s personal protocol to optimal living, “Its about being able to show up in your life fully”

29:42 Most of us live in the construct - worry about the past, fear of the future, and we miss the moment. Part of that has to do with disordered brain chemistry.

30:00 Blood-brain barrier - leaky gut and leaky brain - sugar, stress, gluten, food allergies

30:52 No way to know of brian inflammation - except to be depressed, cognitive impairment - these are clues to what is happening

31:30 Fix the things you can to load in your favor

32:01 Do a reset! 10 day detox diet - quick window to see what you could feel like, you can change your brain and biology

33:17 Add in food and nutrient dense information

33:30 doing a 50% fat diet - and dropping things that cause weight gain

33:59 Hormone challenges make you store fat

42:29 Whereas fat reverses the effect - fat for breakfast ups your clarity

35:50 Social life is going out to eat - 3 meals a day on the road, there is a way to do it- “hunt and gather in your environment”

36:00 Nutritional wasteland

36:55 A clear roadmap of where you are going - essential planning

37:25 Brain Health - “eat real food”

38:46 The Daniel Plan - how to you use community - “getting healthy is a team sport”

39:13 Leave the food that man made, eat the food that god made

39:43 How many steps from field to fork, and less sugar and starch

40:17 We can’t tolerate the amount of starches we are eating

40:33 Our diet for millions of years, 10k agriculture, last 100 industrial “food”

41:10 Eat a lot of colorful vegetables and some fruit

41:30 Super foods

42:00 “We can use food as medicine, and if you understand food as medicine then its changes what you are doing”

42:35 Dr. Terry Wahls (episode upcoming) :)

43:55 Take away sugar (recreational drug) and starch will reduce chronic disease, and add real whole food!

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