In this episode, we slog our way into the dark and mysterious landscape of the Jeffery Epstein saga.  We muse about the the spy state and the tentacles that reach into the case and the journalism that is distracting from the truth of the story.  We also talk a little Bitcoin and have some fun with a new segment: 'Troll or Troglodyte'.  Just how bad was Jeffery?  Let's take a look!


Four Hands Brewing Brut IPA  Four Hands Brut IPA


CCN Markets: Did Bitcoin's Most Controversial Twitter Handle Just Change Hands? YouTube: Bitcoin Corporate Takeover - Explained Business Insider: Epstein's Last Days were Spent Emptying Vending Machines with His Lawyers in a Private Meeting Room, Avoiding Suicide Watch, and Paying Other Inmates' Commissaries NY Post: Epstein Told Lawyers that Cellmate Nicholas Tartaglione ‘Roughed Him Up’ Mint Press News: Mega Group, Maxwells and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal EIR National (PDF): EIRNationalIsraeli Spies: ‘Mega Was Not An Agent—Mega Was the Boss’