Is “the curse of genius” preventing you from being able to connect with your ideal prospects? If you’re having trouble getting your marketing to land right with your people, you might just be talking about the wrong thing. Our client, Rachel Duffy, shares her advice and experience for correcting this issue in her own business. 

As a divorce lawyer turned parenting coach, Rachel knows the importance of effective communication more than just about anybody else. Her coaching business is helping parents have stronger relationships with their kids to improve family dynamics and raise the next generation on a solid emotional foundation. 

Whether you’re a parent of young children or not, there’s a ton of wisdom to be gleaned in this episode. Don’t skip this one. 

P.S. Want my team and I to help you clarify your message and create an offer so irresistible your clients will think it was made just for them?

Send an email to [email protected] and we’ll let you know all the ways we can help you do that.