
That word probably sparks a reaction in your gut. You might be taken back to the 10 or 16 year old you. You might think of goals met because you enforced it.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines discipline as "control gained by enforcing obedience or order; orderly prescribed conduct or pattern of behavior; self-control." The second definition is "punishment."


Commitment is defined as a promise to do or give something or an agreement or pledge to do something in the future.

This is a word I've been pondering in my own life. For almost 10 months I've had the commitment to get up and practice my morning yoga, pranayama and meditation practice. Not all mornings were 35 minutes (my current goal) but at least 10 minutes of tuning in before I go out into the world.

Where to connect with Andrea
Website: https://andreaclaassen.com/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/seasonallivingmamas
Freebie: 5 Day Ayurvedic Challenge- https://andreaclaassen.com/5-day-ayurvedic-challenge
Divine Body Wisdom Book- https://andreaclaassen.com/book

Andrea Claassen Bio

Andrea Claassen is an Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor, RYT 500 hour yoga teacher, and Wild Woman Project Circle leader who has been in the wellness space since 2007. Her mission is to help people slow down, tune in, and connect to your divine body wisdom. 

She does this by teaching her Peaceful Power Practices centered around movement, mindfulness & mother nature through an Ayurvedic lens. You can hear more from Andrea on her Peaceful Power Podcast where she aims to deliver actionable takeaways to live a more holistic lifestyle. Connect with Andrea on her website at www.andreaclaassen.com